Damn You, J.K R

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After Wolfie left the Hospital and went back to his car, he drove to the nearest Mobile store so that he could purchase another phone.

He doubted that the warranty would cover the extreme amount of damages that Danny had wrought on his phone.

He couldn't help but chuckle lowly at that fact that the Omega just destroyed such an expensive phone.

It really didn't bother him.

As long as Danny didn't punish him by refraining from sex then he could destroy ever single IPhone that he bought.

You can't expect him to cause a ruckus over material things and end up in a snit with his Omega.


He would probably buy an Apple IMac with the keyboard & Mouse while he's at it as he really needed a desktop for his office.

So on the way, he was gonna stop by Asda or some other store to get hygiene products for Danny. The Omega was due to start his cycle any time now and it was probably the injection which delayed it for so long as his body was acclimatising itself to it.

He knew jack shit about pads and tampons or whatever, so he had to wake the Omega up so that he could get whatever else it was that he needed before he started bleeding on their bed any day now.

Yeah... No.

As he stopped at a red light, he reached a hand over and shook the Omega awake, brushing his fingers down Danny's cheek as he began groaning softly, mumbling under his breath.


Wolfie retracted his hand as the light changed to green and immediately switched the indicator light before turning left.


Danny voice alerted the Alpha that he was successful in waking him up and he smiled, placing his hand back on Danny's face and caressing the smooth cheek. "Hi, lovely. Had a nice nap?"

Danny snorted but leaned into his touch, moaning softly as Wolfie's fingers tingled under his chin. "Our definitions of nap are quite different, you know? So why exactly had you been releasing that much Pheromones? Trying to impress someone?"

Wolfie's eyebrows furrowed but he managed to stop himself from looking over at Danny as some crackpot in front of him switched lanes without indicating.

He didn't even say anything as traffic police immediately went after the car after it almost collided with a truck which had accelerated.

Your indicator lights aren't there for show, people!

"Danny, if I was trying to impress anyone, I'll just have to look at them and their panties drop," he retorted, laughing when Danny snorted.

"If that was true, I would be walking around in my Birthday suit everyday." Danny sat up properly in the seat and adjusted the seatbelt from where it had been digging into his shoulder. "You're not all that, you know."

Wolfie just shook his head and pulled into the Asda parking lot where they had about three hours before they had to leave; he would take Danny to whatever store he wanted, show him around since they hadn't really left their house since the Omega came to live with him.

"You're aren't being cute, you know? Lying is a sin," he remarked.

"Whose sin? Last time I checked, Lord Lycaon's (Real: First Werewolf) laws didn't include lying," he refuted, rolling his eyes at the Alpha as he turned the engine off, grabbing his destroyed phone off of the dashboard.

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