¡Ay, Caramba!

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Play the song as you read 😊

Wolfie was literally mid-stroke inside of Danny when he received a call from a frantic Jackson practically blowing his ear-drums out while telling him that Arlo had gone into labor.

He couldn't keep the scowl off his face as he drove a still laughing Danny to the Hospital to meet with the cock-blocker and his equally cock-blocking Beta.

Match made in Hell in his opinion.

"You know, I don't get how you can be so unaffected by this," he gritted out, side-eying Danny before turning his attention back on the road. "Don't forget that you didn't cum either."

Danny stopped laughing to snort at his words

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Danny stopped laughing to snort at his words. "And how did you know that I didn't? There is such a thing as a dry orgasm you know," he retorted, waggling his eyebrows at Wolfie whose grip on the steering wheel momentarily tightened.

The Alpha snorted, rolling his eyes at Danny's response. "Oh please. Are you really trying to take the piss right now?" He smoothly changed lanes after switching the indicator lights on.

"And why would I be?" He leaned back against the car door and stretched his foot out, depositing it directly on Wolfie's half-hard cock.

He released a sigh as he barely managed to stop himself from looking down at the foot on his lap. "Danny, I'm not stupid, you know. Even if you had a dry orgasm, I would've still felt it."

The Omega didn't reply and instead focused on massaging Wolfie's cock into full hardness. "Good job, you got me there," he teased, biting his bottom lip to stop himself from moaning as Wolfie took one hand off the steering wheel to rest on his foot which he pushed away to gain access to his cock.

He watched in anticipation as Wolfie unzipped his pants and pulled his cock through the hole. "Why don't you come and give me a blowjob on the way? Put that smart mouth of yours to good use."

Danny smirked and unbuckled his seatbelt; he was hoping Wolfie would say that.

"That cock is mine."

Wolfie grinned and buried his fingers in his hair as he slipped under his hand to gain proper access to his cock. "Prove it to me."

Danny grinned and licked at the pulsing erection.

"My pleasure."


Both Jackson and Arlo were screaming bloody murder as the nurses wheeled said Beta to the Maternity ward.

Arlo was screaming because of the contractions while Jackson was screaming because an older woman whose dentures were missing had tried flirting with him as he filled out the papers to admit Arlo.

To be completely honest, they really didn't have to come to the Hospital and have Jackson go through such a tragedy, but Arlo's doctor had advised him to come directly to the hospital once he eventually went into Labor because he didn't know if there would be any consequences for using an injection which wasn't meant for his gender at all.

Intoxicated (ManxBoy) Mpreg Explicit - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now