Hey, Baby

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Maxx Reid
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Danny took in Maxx's appearance and barely stopped himself from whimpering when the smile on his face transformed into a smirk.

"Are you going to let me in?"

Danny's eyes fluttered at hearing the smooth baritone and his breathing stuttered when Maxx leaned down until their faces were literally centimetres apart.

Danny was 5'5 on the dot while Maxx looked to be 6'3 or 4, he wasn't sure.

"Or are you afraid of what would happen if you let me in?" His hot breath caressed Danny's face and said guy whimpered softly, his grip on the doorknob tightening.

Maxx chuckled at his reaction and closed his eyes, breathing in deeply at the scent which wafted to his nose. "Fuck, you smell good."

Danny's eyebrows furrowed for a seconds before a look of understanding crossed his face when he realised that his hole began dripping slick.

Maxx breathed in deeply once more before opening his eyes, his pupils were blown wide with lust causing Danny to abruptly release his grip on the door.

"Maxx, don't... We can't." He backed away from the open door, biting his lip as Maxx kicked off his shoes and placed them on the shoe rack by the door; he then came in and closed the door behind him, key still in the lock.

"Don't worry, Dee. I can control myself around you. Right now, I just want to talk."

Danny swallowed and his words but nodded a second later. "Yeah." He cleared his throat then motioned for Maxx to follow him, a bit self conscious about the slick still coating his underwear.

"We'll get better privacy in my room." He licked his lips nervously when he felt Maxx brushing up against his back as he walked.

"Hmm... I wonder. Is it still the same or have you changed it?"

The last time Maxx had entered his room, it had been decorated with as much Anime posters, figurines and cut-outs as Danny could fit. Maxx knew how much he loved Anime so of course he would still think that Danny's room was still decorated that way.

"Uhh, nope. I sorta did a huge overhaul. Repainted the walls and everything." He walked up the stairs with Maxx in tow, eager to get out of his soiled underwear.

He wasn't ready to test Maxx's control.

Within seconds, they arrived in front of his door and he quickly entered, motioning for Maxx to sit on his bed. "I'm gonna get changed." He then quickly went over to his drawer and pulled out a pair of boxers and another pair of pants, rushing into the bathroom when he heard the lock click on his bedroom door.

'I'm so fucking dead!'


After getting changed, he soaked his clothing in water and body wash, anything to mask the scent of his slick until Maxx left. He had already wiped between his legs before he put on his clothing.

If only he had scent blockers, he wouldn't have to worry about this.

After smacking himself on the cheeks a couple of times in the mirror, he finally left the bathroom to see Maxx holding his phone in his hands.

He didn't have anything to hide or whatever on his phone so he just sat down next to Maxx in the bed, looking over to see Maxx looking at the pictures in his gallery.

"You were so cute back then."

Danny smiled and leaned his head on Maxx's shoulder, eyeing the picture of them eating the biggest pizza Danny had ever seen.

Intoxicated (ManxBoy) Mpreg Explicit - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now