Red Spectacle

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The next day of their stay in the Hotel, Wolfie got up at 6 am while Danny was sleeping so that the staff could move their belongings to the correct room.

He had only booked this standard room for a day because they won't be staying in it for very long and it helped to conceal his suprise for Danny.

He had of course left a change of clothes for the Omega and had scheduled to have their breakfast delivered at 7:30 since Danny would wake up at any moment.

It was Christmas after all.

He couldn't wait to surprise Danny later even if the Omega might smack the skin off his bones for blindsiding him.

So after getting ready to start the day, he sat down on the hotel room couch and looked at the sleeping Omega while playing with the ring on his finger.

Ever since being matched with Danny, his life had taken a complete overhaul.

First and foremost, he hadn't been as domineering as he should've been from the start. Danny had said and done some things that he normally wouldn't have tolerated before but now, they don't even bother him.

Secondly, he hadn't been as in the public eye as he would've thought. Well, Danny identity was already known to the public but the Omega seemed to have no interest in making a name for himself from Wolfie's success and that was pretty refreshing to him.

He felt like he had everything he could've ever wanted in a partner and was just thankful that Danny was legal.

Now that would've been disgusting.

He had had some failed relationships before which had served to put him off dating for awhile but he lucked out this time so there's no way that he was ever letting Danny go...Ever.

Danny was his mate and soon to be wife and mother to his pup. What more could an Alpha want? Not to mention, he was also the first person of a different race that he had been with and he had to say, it was an experience.

He had seen and tasted food he never knew existed all-the-while learning about another culture in the way Danny did certain stuff.

He may not have made it known, but he had been studying the way Danny did things as opposed to him.

They were from completely different worlds, but that really wasn't important as both worlds were being combined.

He really hoped that their pup had Danny's hair so that he could smell that wonderful scent of Rosemary and the likes that Danny loved to use to moisturise his hair.

To be honest, he never thought that there'd be a day that he'd be invested in hair. He always had people to do his hair for him and when he was at home, he just used basic Shampoo and Conditioner then towel dry, comb or brush his hair. He may use mousse but that's it.

It was really eye opening for him to see Danny taking such good care of his hair and it made him realise how unhealthy it would be if they were to adopt each other's hair regime when their hair were completely different.

He understood now why Black people (Since people of colour is a hated term and Danny isn't African) wore those extensions and whatnot. If he had to go through the same process as Danny did, he would also want to have there be a way to keep his hair moisturised for long periods of time.

Hmm... When did his thoughts turn to hair?

Anyway, he smiled at the Omega when he rolled over on his stomach and pulled Wolfie's pillow into his arms, hugging it to his chest while burying his face in it.

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