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Travis McArthur

It was 37 minutes later that they arrived at school and their Mum was ushering them out of the vehicle.

"All of you behave today and don't give your Teachers any trouble, you hear me?" their Mum said, kissing them all on the cheek before getting back in the vehicle.

They all nodded except Phoebe who was a Teacher's assistant.

"See you later, Mum."

She blew them a kiss before driving out of the parking lot.

"See you later, losers." Phoebe murmured, ruffling their hair before walking away, laughing at their hissed complaints.

"So... What do guys think you'll present as?" Andy started, looking at him and Levi.

Levi shrugged. "Don't know, probably an Alpha or sum'."

Danny snorted, earning a glare from Levi. "You wish, fart breath. With your luck, you'll probably end up a Human."

Levi's glare intensified at that. "Hey, don't say that. You've gone too far with that."

Andy nodded, agreeing with him.

Danny rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

"None of us are gonna be Alphas, I'm pretty sure of that."

"Yeah... You think Dad'll be disappointed?" He murmured, rubbing at the back of his neck self consciously.

Andy and Levi shrugged. "Doubt it. Dad's pretty laid back and Mum already said she'll support us." Andy sighed and leaned against Levi's shoulder. "Between us, I think that I'll be a Beta. You?" She looked up at Levi.

"Not sure, probably a Beta also. I'm kinda hoping for an Omega cause Beta's have a hard time getting pregnant."

"What if you're an Alpha?" Danny spoke up, looking at him in curiosity.

"Then I'll probably have to start living in the gym and taking defense classes cause I'll be responsible for protecting an Omega and our children." was his straightforward reply.

Danny wasn't fooled and neither was Andy, they could see the nervousness in his eyes.

"I don't really know what I'll present as, anything is better than Human." He commented before they could ask him.

Presenting as a Human could earn disownment from their families as thet were pretty much the scum on the Hierarchy. Alphas were at the top, Omegas weren't exactly given a official status in the Hierarchy. The only reason why they weren't higher than Alphas was simply because they could bare children no matter the gender and they weren't as built for protection as Alphas. Beta were common in the Hierarchy but they weren't as looked down upon as Humans. They were like the muscles of the Hierarchy, mainly guards, security etc. Unlike Omegas, Alphas cannot get pregnant at all, no matter the gender. Both Male and Female Alphas could get Omegas or Betas pregnant. Hell, a female Alpha could get a male Omega pregnant or a Female Omega. They could also get Beta's pregnant and it was actually easier for an Alpha to get a Beta pregnant than it was for a Beta to get another Beta pregnant. Omegas cannot get anyone pregnant, like at all, while Betas aren't allowed to mate with Omegas but can still date them. The only thing was that Betas are rarely able to get Omega's pregnant so a relationship would be a waste of time between them.

"I kinda can't see you as an Omega." Andy replied, snorting at the thought. "You'd probably not be able do sit on your arse for a while because you'll disrespect your Alpha."

Danny chuckled at that.

"Or he can get one of those overly Dominant Alphas." Levi shuddered at the thought. "I doubt we'll even be seeing you regularly if that's the case. Not to sound disgusting but you're not exactly ugly Danny, he'll probably be keeping a close eye on you."

Danny didn't know why his body tingled at the thought of being owned by such as Alpha; he swallowed inaudibly.

"Yeah, look at Zach, he was paired up with one of those Dominant Alphas and last I heard, he was attending one of those fancy Colleges cause his Alpha didn't trust any of the public Colleges." Andy pulled away from Levi and straightened her dress.

Danny hummed. "Isn't he pregnant now or something? I saw him on the tele the other day with his Alpha."

Both Levi and Andy shrugged. "Not sure but I have heard some gossip about it. Can you imagine getting matched with one of those Tycoons? They're all overly Dominant as far as I've heard and usually have Possessive streaks a mile long."

Danny licked his lips at the thought of getting matched with such a man.

The sound of laughter brought him out of his thoughts and he blushed at the sly grins being sent his way.

"You were totally drooling, Dan-Dan. Looks like someone wants to sit on some Alpha dick," Andy teased, giving him a sly grin.

"I do hope you know that Mum and Dad are gonna be extra protective of you if you present as an Omega."

He sighed sadly at that. "Yeah... No more parties, nothing."

Levi looked at him in pity. "Sucks to be you dude."

"Hey, I haven't presented as an Omega!" He spat.

Levi only rolled his eyes and looked at Andy who was already looking back at him. "I'm sure that I wasn't the only one who heard that unsaid 'yet' at the end of your statement."

Danny flipped them the bird for their trouble.

"Enough yammering, let's head into the school before that old geezer Eton tries to give us detention." Without another word, he stalked off towards the school, ignoring the snickers from his siblings.

Inside the School

Danny entered school, his brother and sister trailing behind him; he rolled his eyes when he saw the group of people already gathered around his locker and couldn't help chuckling when he saw the heated looks being sent to Levi.

He really doubted that Levi would be anything other than Omega.

To tell you the truth, he really believed that once Levi presented, his mate would most definitely be his boyfriend as Daisuke exhibited all traits of being an Alpha.

Hmm, it just was a matter of hours before they found out anyway.

He was nervous as hell but if he did turn out to be an Omega, he wouldn't be ashamed because without Omegas then where would they be?

"Look who finally arrived!" Natalia squealed before running towards them and glomping him especially.

Urghh... He just hoped he survived making it to the assembly with the amount of times Natalia has been jumping him.

Intoxicated (ManxBoy) Mpreg Explicit - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now