Introducing The Fiend

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Play the song as you read 😊

After filing the remaining case files, he couldn't help but release a breath of relief that he had that taken care of.

Now that that's finished, he picked up his phone and opened it, intent of discovering just why the fuck his orders hadn't arrived yet.

As far as he knew, the company has always shipped their orders in a timely fashion so he didn't understand why he hadn't received the rings nor Danny's collar yet.

So with that thought in mind, he inputted and dialled the number he had written down for the company.

He had never really had a reason to call them until now, but he had always kept their contact information written in case.

"Good Afternoon and thank you for calling Rowan Masterson Jewelry. Please hold and a Custom Service Representative will be with you shortly."

He heard the dial tone and relaxed back in his chair. It really was a good thing that each department had their own numbers because he wasn't about to spend his time listening to options and dialling every number on the keypad just to get in contact with the correct department.

Hardly a minute passed before he heard the sound of someone taking his call.

"Good Afternoon, My name is Brynn and thank you for contacting the Customer Service department. How may I be of assistance?"

"Hello, Brynn. My name is Wolfie Hadrian, Alpha no. 71863290 and I've ordered two pairs of Engagement rings, two pairs of Wedding rings and a finger print activated Omega Collar embroidened with my family crest. It's been a month and I still haven't received my orders so can you please enlighten me on why?

Brynn spluttered over the connection for a couple of seconds before nervously clearing her throat.

"Uhh... My apologies Mr. Hadrian. If you can give me your order summary number then I can check the details for you."

Wolfie sighed and picked up the single document lying on the table before rattling off the information on it.

They better have a good reason for this or they would be refunding his money with interest.

He had paid a total of £731k for everything so he expected stellar service.

"Hello, Mr. Hadrian?"


Brynn nervously cleared her throat.

"I've pulled your information summary and it says here that your ordered have been delivered a month ago."

Here, Wolfie sat up in shock.

"Excuse me?! I assure you that I haven't received anything. Can you tell me the address listed?"

Okay... What the actual fuck was going on?

Brynn rattled off the address and Wolfie clenched his teeth in anger.

That little bitch.

"Okay, Brynn, thank you. Ohh and before you go. Why didn't I receive an email once my orders have been delivered?"

"You did, Mr. Hadrian. It's says here that you have already revived a delivery confirmation email to"

Wolfie clenched his fist and thanked Brynn once more before ending the call.

For fucks sake.

Conan was really trying his patience now and to be totally honest, he was sick and tired of the Omega intruding on his privacy. So with one thought in mind, he got up out of his seat and left his office.

Intoxicated (ManxBoy) Mpreg Explicit - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now