Chapter 2

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"Um, Cas. I just need to talk to you. Dean's been on a crazy rampage ninety five percent of the time and I don't know how to control him. He keeps talking about you, he misses you. Dean asked me if you still cared. Do you know how much that crushed me to hear that come out of him. What about your 'profound bond' with him? What happened to that? When are you going to show up? Do you even still care or did you ever care? Were you just using Dean? Using him so he will be broken and stop killing off your brethren? Is that what this is all about? Look, Cas. We need you. I need you. Dean needs you!" Sam prayed to Castiel just like he told Dean he would. Would he be successful and get Cas? Neither of them knew.

"Sammy..." Dean groaned; he had taken a nap.

"Yeah, Dean?" Sam walked into his brothers bedroom.

"I need some Advil or something." Dean rubbed his eyes.

"Why?" Sam knew it's better to 'shoot, ask questions later'.

"Because I can't get Cas outta my head."

"Advil isn't gonna help with that." Sam smiled but Dean frowned back.

"Than what is? I can't keep thinking about Cas! His voice is in my head! It won't leave!" Dean was yelling but not meaning to.

"Only you being able to hear Castiel's actual voice. I know you miss him and want to see him but he will come. He's not that stupid. Remember how he always says you and him have a 'profound bond'? If you guys really do he wouldn't ditch you." Sam gave Dean his signature bitch-face.

"Then why won't he just come? I don't like him always being in my head. He keeps calling me worthless shit, a fuck up, everything Dad did! It's all true!"


Dean needs you!

Sam's prayer kept going through Castiel's head. He knows Dean and Sam need him; but he just doesn't know if he's willing to go. Cas wants to, really really wants to; he wants to see Dean, he wants to help Sam.

Just go. You know you want to! Dean needs you, Sam needs you. You need them! Go!


"It's not true, Dean. Dad was a fuck up himself! Cas has fucked stuff up too! None of us are to say who is and who isn't!" Dean had Sam pinned up against a wall just about ready to kill him. Sammy was scared, Dean turned on him; exactly what he didn't want.

"Then why does everybody say it! Answer that for me little brother!" Dean spat. Sam tried to break free from Dean's strong grip.

"Not everybody says it! It's just what you want to hear in your dream! You want to hear Cas say it! Dad was just always drunk and lost and broken!" Dean began to choke Sammy.

"Shut up! You know that's not true! The last thing I want is for Castiel to hate me!" Dean punched Sam's gut.

"Dean!" Sammy coughed up blood.

"Tell me he still cares! Tell me he will come! Tell me he still loves me! Tell me you know!" Dean punched him again making Sam cough up more blood. He let go of his brother and threw him to the floor. He stayed silent except for his hard gasps for breath.

"That's what I thought!" Dean threw his fist at the wall.

"Dean!" Castiel threw Dean's back to the wall.

"So the angel finally decided to come!" Dean spat.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Castiel yelled, he looked back at Sam to see him on the floor holding his side.

"I-I don't know..." Dean's eyes slowly became the green eyes Cas had always known.

"Calm down. Sam are you okay?" Sam gave a slight nod, "No you're not." Cas dragged Dean into a concrete sealed off room and double locked the doors.

"Really, is this really necessary? Come on guys!" Dean yelled through the door. Castiel walked over to Sam and reached out two fingers.

"No!" Sammy coughed, "Your Grace, it's not worth it, Cas."

"Shut up, Sam." Castiel pressed the two fingers to Sam's forehead and healed him.

"You can't be wasting what you have left. I can recuperate like every other human." Castiel tilted his head.

"No, I'm not wasting it if I am helping you." Sam sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Dean's locked up?"

"Yes, I can't trust him. Why was he hurting you?" Castiel didn't like the thought that he can't trust Dean, they were always on good terms but not anymore.

"I don't think he intentionally meant to do any of that. He went black after talking about his dream." Sam rubbed his side.

"His dream?" Castiel tilted his head more.

"Yeah, he said you were calling him a worthless piece of shit, a fuck up and everything my Dad use to call him. He doesn't think of himself right so I tried to tell him that he wasn't and he got mad and...well, did what you saw." Cas slowly blinked.

"This is why I didn't want to come back. I knew stuff like this was going to happen. I knew he was going to hurt either of us, I shouldn't have. I shouldn't have pulled him from hell!" Sam lunged himself at the angel, it's a Winchester habit.

"Do you even know what you're saying? So you want to put Dean back in hell because he's broken and doesn't know what to do! What's wrong with you? What happened to the Cas that use to want to do anything for Dean? Where did you go? You know what, go if you think about Dean like that. I don't give a shit." Sam pointed to the door even though he knew Castiel would just zap his way out.

"Sam, I-"

"Go!" Sam screamed. Cas fluttered his angel wings and was no where in sight. Dean screamed from within the sealed room. It was a blood curdling, bloody murder scream that was followed by another.


"Cassie! Why would you even think of saying that?!" Gabriel was as pissed as Sam.

"Because that is what he's making me feel! He throws everybody around and turns black and that's it! Dean is gone, Gabe!" Castiel fell to his knees. A awkward feeling turned in his stomach, it felt like knots being pulled tighter than they could go. His eyes stung and he felt water fall from his cheek to his trench coat, "W-What is this?"

"It's tears you idiot! You're crying because you know you broke both Sammy and Dean! I hope it was worth it. I hope you feel good for doing and saying what you did." Gabriel felt his heart turn.

"How can I fix this, Gabriel? All he wants is to be turn back to a human. How do I do it?" The tears kept coming and Castiel kept wiping them away.

"You go to Crowley, you talk to him. He'll want to make a deal with you. To my guess he'll be wanting to take all of your Grace. If you actually care about him then do it. No promises anything will work. No promises Dean will ever love you again, I wouldn't if I were him." Gabriel left without another word, just the sound of his moving wings. Castiel was left there to cry, cry like he was a small child who lost his favorite toy. He knew that he had a very small chance of ever getting Dean back, but he is willing to sell his Grace, his body, his life, anything. What it is he's willing to give away. All for one man, Dean Winchester.


Author's Note:

So what do you guys think? I only have about two readers so far but I'd still love to here your honest opinions! Thank you guys! Xoxo


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