Chapter 27

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The paramedics came rushing into the building not really caring about all of the things that surrounded them in the bunker. Dean held Castiel until they came when they had to pry their bodies apart. Dean would keep saying 'I love you' and 'I'm sorry' to Castiel not knowing if he was hearing him or not. Castiel was lifted up and into the ambulance as quickly as possible, his breathing started again but it would keep going out, with each breath that he actually took it was long and slow, his pulse would start and stop. Nobody knew if he would stay dead or alive, Cas is really fighting it. Dean was at least happier to know that his boyfriend isn't completely dead, he's still trying to push death away.

"Don't go, Cas. Fight it, you c-can do it." Two of the paramedics that sat in the back of the ambulance with Dean were silent until one finally spoke up.

"He's fighting hard, doesn't want to let go."

"He's always been a fighter, he wouldn't give up on anything." The man smiled at him before he was shot back into reality as Castiel's pulse went dead again.


The ride to the hospital was agonizingly slow for Dean, Castiel dropped at least eight times on the way there and started up again. Five nurses surrounded the stretcher that Castiel was laid in before they left, two doctors were there too, each saying something that Dean didn't pay any attention to.

"Sir, we need to ask you a few questions."

"Can it wait? I need to be with him-"

"He is going into operation now and we can't have you in there with him, the doctors need enough space. Just a few questions."

Dean looked back at Castiel laying in the stretcher and then to the medium-sized black woman standing in front of him with a clipboard in her hand. "Okay."

"Good. What is his name?" She motioned for Dean to sit down in one of the cushioned chairs, which he did and so did she.

"Jimmy...Jimmy Novak."

"Alright, his age and sexuality?"

"He's thirty-nine...why is his-"

"It just is, please answer the question. What is your name?"

"Dean. He'"

"Okay Dean, I assume you are the boyfriend or acquaintance?" The woman smiled before tapping her pencil, obviously in a hurry.

"Boyfriend, is he going to be alright?"

"We are hoping he will, I'll give you whatever news I hear. So what exactly happened to get him stabbed?"

"We were dragged to wherever we were, there was this girl, she said 'Times up' and stabbed him through his chest. I saw the tip of the blade, I was standing in front of him. We were just in a fight about what we were going to do, it didn't get bad or anything, it just...I don't know."

"That's alright, the police should ask you questions about the girl later in the week after everything has settled down. I wish you and him the best of luck Dean, he's really a fighter."

"A lot of people have said that..." Dean looked at the tile floor.

"Well it's true, he might make it through, you never know." The woman that Dean now knows is named Maria left. She went back to her desk and went on the laptop and started typing. Dean just sat there, thinking, praying that Cas will make it out. He thought of how bad he has been screwing up, how he just possibly got Castiel killed because he was too stupid to kill the son of a bitch then and there.

A couple hours past, Dean lost track after eighteen. Maria let him stay overnight, she knew how important it was to him. The eighteen hours that passed were silent, he got no news on Castiel or anything, only a coffee.

"Dean?" Dean quickly looked up at a man in a white coat.


"Jimmy is still in operation, he keeps going out and coming back in so it makes it harder to operate. From what we can see, the stab wound did completely go through his chest and some damage to the brain might have occurred when he fell. It's a twenty percent chance right now that's he will survive but then again, I could always be wrong. We are still not sure if he is going to make it."

"O-Okay, thank you." The doctor smiled.

"Doctor Smith! He's going out again! We need you in here ASAP!" The doctor ran to Castiel's room. Dean just cried, he didn't know what else to do, he couldn't do anything else, his options had run out. He felt tired and sick, Dean didn't want this shit anymore. He just wanted Cas to make it.

"Dean!" He recognized the voice, not the voice he wanted.

"Sam, Sammy it's all m-my fault. She-"

"Dean, it's not your fault. Would you have rather been the one to stab him? We're lucky buddy. What's the update?"

"He keeps dropping completely but starting back up, his b-breathing is slow when is actually semi-functioning. There's a twenty percent chance that he's going...going to make it. Everybody says he's fighting it hard, I don't want him to g-give up."

"He won't give up on you. What did you tell them for a name?"

"I-I said Jimmy Novak, I couldn't exactly remember any of his fake ID's at the moment. We are going to hunt that son of a bitch down Sammy, she won't get away with this."

"I know. Did they ask you any questions?"

"Yeah, my name, h-his age, name, sexuality, how i-it happened."

"Did you tell the truth?"

"Yeah, well, not with how it happened and his angel name but other t-than that, yes."

"Wow, you actually admitted to being gay to a stranger." Sam forced a smile.

"S-Shut up lover boy, you're gay too. Speaking of g-gays, where's king of the gays anyway?"

"Gabriel? He's in Heaven still, said he'd be down as soon as possible." Maria started walking towards them again with a smile on her face, Dean took it good. The doctor walked to her and told her something.


"Made it?"

", I'm afraid he did not."


Sorry this one is short, I have a whole idea for the next chapter, I get that some people are hating me right now. Don't be too mad...

{IG: @/mishas._.wormstache}

~ Queen of the dicks

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