Chapter 42

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Fuck Cas!

Fuck me harder baby.


"Castiel! Wake up!"

Cas' eyes slowly opened. "What?"

Dean chuckled, "What the hell were you dreaming about?"

"Nothing, angels don't dream."

Dean smirked, wrapping his arm around Castiel's sweaty waist. "Come on, you were saying my name over and over. You're sweaty, you have a massive boner. Don't tell me you were dreaming about us having sex?"

"Maybe I was. And I'll say that you are a lot nicer in my dreams."

Dean held his hand to his chest, "I am nice! Just not during sex, I prefer to be hard and bang your ass mercilessly while whispering dirty things in your ear. Can't say you don't love it."

"Why did I have to dream?"

"Why did it have to be sex? It makes me want to have sex."

Castiel smacked Dean's arm, "Quit saying sex!"

"Is it a bad word now? Sex, sex, sex, sex, sex-"

"Okay! Shut up!"

Dean kissed Castiel's collarbone, "You'll have to make me."

"Dean, just shut up."

Winchester unwrapped himself from Castiel and sat down on his bulging lap, "Never."

"You're such a child."

"How vivid was your dream Cas? Was it detailed?" Dean slowly rubbed himself against Castiel's bulge.

Cas gasped, "Detailed enough..."

"Did you see me cumming? Was I moaning?"

"Y-Yes you w-were."

Dean smirked looking at Castiel quickly fall apart, "Did you cum hard? Was your cock inside my ass?"


Dean bent down and placed kisses everywhere on Castiel's face but his lips.

"Did you fuck me good?"

Castiel moaned, "Dean please...I can't take this."

"Then beg for it, I want you to beg Cas." Dean stopped moving altogether, his lips are barely touching the tip of Castiel's mouth. His breathes are short but hot, making Cas twitch.

"Dean, please. Get inside me for damn sake!"

"You want me to fuck you?"

"Oh god, please don't say that."

Dean moved his mouth away, "I'll fuck you hard."

"Oh my god, Dean."

"Don't make a mess, I'm not even undressed yet."

"Please Dean!"

Winchester stripped while still sitting on Castiel's lap. Cas watched in awe as each article of clothing was thrown to the floor. Dean's chest, covered in scars and a couple bruises, is perfect. Toned, slightly wet from sweat. Dean worked on Castiel's clothing.

"Fuck Cas, why are you so beautiful?"

"I can ask you the same thing."

Dean pulled off Castiel's boxers, his completely erected dick springing free with a gasp from Castiel.

"Somebody's a little excited."

Castiel weakly smiled, "It's been awhile."

"Let's fix that."

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