Chapter 13

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"Deannnn! Dean! Deannnnnnn!" Castiel sat on Dean's side shaking him.

"What? It's three in the morning, Cas." Dean groaned and flipped to his back.

"I got bored." Dean smiled.

"So you woke me up? I'm going back to bed no matter what you say."

"No matter what I do?" Castiel raises a eyebrow and Dean smiled and closed his eyes. Cas kissed his cheek, lips, chin, and worked behind his ear. He licked every crevasse and behind his ear, small moans escaped the hunters mouth.

"Cas...stop, please. I'm tired." Dean groaned; Castiel smirked and kissed his lips trailing down to his biceps.

"I don't care, I want to have fun and fun I'm having." Castiel kissed his way back up Dean's neck and his jawline.

"Mm...Cas, come on." Castiel kissed the many bruises and cuts he made on his chest.

"I don't want you to ever hurt yourself again. Would you stop if I asked you to?" Castiel kissed another cut and Dean winced.

"Yes, yes." Castiel kissed the bruises on his collarbone, Dean moaned and grabbed Castiel's hips.

"Would you try to stop for me? I don't want to see you like this again, I want to see your body clean. Please, Dean? I'll do anything." Castiel begged and Dean moaned again.

"I-I'll stop, I promise. I won't make another cut or bruise or anything." Cas kissed and sucked on Dean's hips, there were only a few cuts and bruises.

"I love you." Castiel whispered in his ear; Dean shivered as his cold hands traveled down his chest.

"I-I love you too, baby." Dean arched his back, his hard on hitting Cas' stomach.

"Wow, and all I did was kiss you." Cas smirked and Dean smiled.

"W-Will you take care of it?" Dean asked with a moan.

"Hm...maybe." Castiel rubbed his hands down Dean's shoulders to his hips.

"P-Please, Cas!" Castiel slipped underneath the covers and separated Dean's legs and kissed the inside of his thighs, moans escapes Dean's mouth. Castiel stopped.

"No, please. Cas, I need you." Dean threw his head back.

"Just debating what I want to do." Dean nodded. Castiel put three fingers in Dean's mouth.

"Suck." Dean obeyed. Castiel pulled out and rubbed his hot, wet fingers around Dean's hole. Dean pushed down on his hand. "No, don't do that. Be patient and you'll get what you want." Dean nodded and separated his legs more so Cas could have more access. Castiel slowly inserted one finger; he pulled in and out before curling his finger and adding two more.

"Oh fuck." Dean moaned. Cas added a forth. "Oh god - fuck. Fuck!" Castiel pulled in and out then took them all out. He placed them back in Dean's mouth.

"Suck for me baby." Castiel kissed his chest as Dean sucked. Cas placed his hands on the headboard and stood on his knees. His dick was near Dean's mouth. "Get it wet for me, Dean." Winchester sucked on his cock swirling circles around his slit. Moans escaped Cas' mouth before he pulled away. Castiel played around Dean's entrance.

"Please, Cas! Get inside me, please!" Dean begged and held back from bucking.

"You have to be patient, Dean." Castiel taunted and kissed him. Dean stayed silent except for the loud moans slipping out. Cas inserted his full length into Dean's hole, he moaned.

"Oh god, you're tight baby." Castiel slowly pulled out.

"Please, put it back in me!" Dean's nails dug into Cas' hips. Castiel thrusted it all in at once, Dean screamed; he pulled out and shoved it back in over and over gaining moans and screams from Dean. He watched Dean's chest rise and fall faster, his breathes longer.

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