Chapter 24

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"Sam, do you want to go out for dinner or something? I'm getting sick of Mac & Cheese." Castiel tossed the ball he was playing with in the air again.

"Yeah, I'll go ask Dean."

"Are you sure you want to do that? Dean won't answer anyway." Cas threw the ball at the wall as hard as he could.

"I know, it's been a long and quiet two months. Gabriel hasn't been down lately and I'm kinda worried. Have you gotten any news about Heaven?"

"Sam, remember?" There was a thud noise.

"Oh yeah, right. Forget I asked. Dean! Do you want to go out with Cas and I for dinner?" Dean shrugged his shoulders. That damn shoulder shrug.

"I'll take that as a yes. How many hunts have you gone on?" Dean thought for a minute before holding up eight fingers. "Since you're answering questions now, why are you being silent?" Dean didn't reply.

"Asshole." Sam grabbed the keys to the Impala and he headed out the door. Castiel took that time to pin Dean up against a wall.

"I will wait for the day you speak again, I don't care how long. You can keep being a son of a bitch and I will keep being a asshole. I don't get why you won't answer anyone except for that damn friggin shoulder shrug. Remember when I said I won't give up? Well screw that because I have given up on you." Castiel let Dean's shirt that he had balled up into his fist go and Dean stammered forward. He was silent again; Cas kicked the wall just to confirm his anger with him.

"Everything alright? Please tell me those two bangs were you two making out."

"Opposite." Castiel glared at Dean before pushing the door open making it hit the wall and crack it.

"Dammit Dean, just answer him."


"So I heard, somehow, that Gabriel will be back later tonight and I presume that means I will have to record Sherlock so you two can...catch up."

"Most likely. You can sleep in my room if you want again, the couch doesn't seem to be very comfortable." Dean flinched at the word again. Have they been sleeping with each other? Dean opened his mouth which quickly caught the other two men's attention but closed it.

"Go on ahead and say it, you can't stop yourself now." Cas kicked Dean from the other side of the booth. Dean shook his head. "Fine, keep being a dick."

"Maybe a sexual approach would make him talk." Sam winked at Cas.

"I don't want to do any of that if my own 'boyfriend' won't speak to me. My 'boyfriend' thinks everything will be alright if he gives me a cat which by the way we need more food, but guess what asshole, it doesn't! It only made me hate that cat and hate you more!"

"Shhhh!" Sam whispered. Castiel shifted in his seat. Dean starred at Cas not looking at any feature in particular.

"I'm not leaving this conversation, we are getting back to it or so help me god." Dean nodded and Cas got up from the table to get some air.

Sam spoke up from the awkward atmosphere once he knew Castiel was out of ear shot. "He's going to kick your sorry ass, Dean. You keep doing this to him and I and it's just wearing us thin. You can't go on with this, one or both of us are going to leave you." Dean turned to Sam. "Oh don't you dare cry. We are the ones who should be crying with how much you hurt us, Cas especially."


"Gabe! God, I missed you." Sam planted a kiss on his boyfriends lips. Dean rolled his eyes from the chair he was sitting in. Castiel smiled at the two.

"I'm sorry Samsquatch, Heaven has been really busy without Cassie lately, demons keep roaming but the freak killings are on them so we are trying to clear them all out which is unsurprisingly hard." Castiel sat up straighter.

"All?" Dean looked up from his fathers journal that he was reading and adverted his eyes to Cas.

"Yeah, all."

"Okay." Dean's mouth dropped. Cas doesn't care if they wipe him out? Castiel doesn't care. Dean quickly got up from the chair he was sitting in and went to his room.

"Okay? So you don't care if Dean dies in the process?"

"No, I don't. Do you want anything to drink?"

"Cas, what happened?" Gabriel rested his hand on Sam's thigh.

"Oh you know, he ignores every question I ask, won't make any contact, won't talk. The usual for the past two months." Castiel flexed his jaw.

"Oh, is there anything I can do to help?"

"I don't know, you tell me!" Castiel slammed the fridge shut.

"Cas, calm down." Sam looked at Castiel whose eyes were filled with hate.

"I'm not going to calm down. That's all that you have been telling me to do! Calm down Cas because that always helps with everything! I am going to scream my head off as much as I want because it will help in some way! I don't care if I get Dean back! It's not like he is ever going to say another word to me because God forbid he does!"

"Castiel. You would never say that and you won't start now. Dean still loves you even if he still refuses to speak but he can always show his love in different ways other than speaking. He got you a cat, there you go, he loves you."

"Shut up, Sam. It's a friggin cat, why the fuck would I care. I want him to speak one word, I want him to kiss me back when I kiss him. That's all I want, nothing else. You don't understand what I am feeling, I'm use to being able to sleep in the same bed with him as we wrap up against each other, I'm use to drinking his beer before he does, I'm use to just being with him. I'm not use to watching him stay shut up, not kissing me back, not cuddling with me. I don't get it, and I can't get it if he won't tell me."

"Just lay with him tonight, see if he will crack open a bit, I get what you are feeling, he's my brother. He'll open up soon, I promise."

"You can't promise anything."

"Well I am. Go and do something with him."

"Have fun sucking each other's candy." Sam and Gabriel smiled with blushes creeping on. "Oh don't blush!" Castiel smirked at the two before walking to Dean's door and knocking.

"Mhm?" Castiel's smile became bigger, Dean actually made a noise.

"Do you mind if I come in?" The door slowly opened and Dean stood in front of it. Castiel kept his smile on and walked inside. Dean turned around after closing the door, as soon as he did Cas stripped him of his shirt and then his own. "I just want to lay down, that's all." Dean slowly nodded. "If you don't want to it's fine-" Castiel was pushed on to the bed. "I take that as a yes?" Dean nodded again. "And that's another yes? Do you know how happy I am just because you made a noise?" Winchester didn't smile, he only looked into Castiel's eyes.

"Cas! Are you making breakfast in the morning or do you want me to?"

"I will, Sam."

"K, have fun." Castiel made a noise not sure what it was himself but he heard footsteps along with a moan, Gabriel he thought.

"Gabriel said heaven is killing every demon, I don't know how they are going to do it. Heaven has been busy I guess since I left or at least that's how Gabe makes it sound. When I said 'okay' I didn't mean I don't care 'okay', I just didn't know what to think. I saw your reaction and I felt bad, I don't want you to think of it bad." Dean rubbed Castiel's back, Cas missed that so much. "Physical contact, that's a huge step." Dean smiled. "I know you won't reply or anything but I love you. I will love you even if you never talk again, I will forever love you Dean Winchester."


Sorry this one is short, I started school today so I didn't have much time.

{IG: @/mishas._.wormstache}


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