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"Isn't she beautiful?" Dean asked, holding his new bundle of joy.

Castiel smiled and kissed Dean, "Of
coarse. What should we name her?"

"I think you should choose."

Dean chuckled and kissed his baby's forehead. "We've been married for two years, we should both choose."

"Alright. Remember when you proposed to me?"

Dean smiled and nodded, putting their baby in her crib and sitting down on the couch. "Yes, how can I forget?"

"Well, you said we would live the life we always wanted. Buy a home, get jobs, start a family. You said we could get a baby girl and name her Justice Jay, treat her like our own."

"Justice Jay it is. I love you baby."

Castiel sat on Dean's lap, "I love you too."

"More than anything."

"More than anything."


"Come on Sammy! Let 'em run free." Dean whined, having three kids jumping on his back.

Sam laughed, "No, Ezra and Michael want to spend time with you."

"Can't they go spend time with Gabriel? He has candy!"

Cas kissed Dean and walked past, going to talk to his angel brother. "Hey Dean-o, I spend a lot of time with them! They're my kids, they've had enough of me and Sam."

"Can Ezra walk yet?" Castiel asked, drinking his coffee.

"Yeah, he doesn't try much. He's lazy like Gabe." Sam said, poking Gabriel's arm.

"Hey, you don't say that in bed."

"Gabe! There are children in here!" Dean yelled, tickling six-year-old Michael.

"Yes, can't talk dirty around Ezra, Michael, and Dean." Castiel said, smirking at his husband.

"We already do the dirty," Dean said, laughing as Michael started tickling him.

"What's the dirty?" Michael asked.

"When you need a bath from being too dirty." Gabe said, Sam laughing beside him.

"Okay! I want candy!"

"You can have candy after dinner." Sam said, holding his youngest son Ezra.

"Why are Uncle Dean and Uncle Cas here?"

Dean smiled, "We wanted to spend time with our family."

"It's their anniversary."

"Do they love each other?"

Dean and Cas smiled. "Yes, we do; and always will."


Shortly after Dean and Castiel's tenth anniversary, Dean was diagnosed with colon cancer.

After sitting in a hospital for six long months, Dean wants to give up. Cas isn't totally crazy with their idea but if Dean wants to go, then he'll go with it.

Today is his last day to be with his family and the world. Justice has stayed with her father's through it all, homeschooling and practically living in the hospital.

"I love you, you know that right?" Dean asked, tearing up.

Castiel wiped his wet cheeks, "Yes Dean, I do. And I love you too."

"We only have five minutes."

"I-I know. Justice left, she didn't want to be there for it."

Dean kissed his husbands hand. "Give her this, when I'm gone." Dean gave Castiel a brown box

"Okay, I-I will."

"Come lay with me, Cas. We only have three minutes."

Castiel did as told, laying beside his dying husband. "And I'll b-be here for all of them."

"Alright Dean, time to take the pill." Dean's doctor said, holding two cups, one with the pill and the other with water.

Castiel broke down and Dean nodded, pulling Cas tighter. "Okay, I'm ready."

The doctor handed Dean the dreadful pill, and he took the three after kissing Castiel.

"It should take a minute to set in. I'll give you two your time." He left, closing the door.

"I-I love you De-Dean."

"I l-love you too. We had a good ten years baby, I wouldn't throw them away for anything."

Castiel weakly smiled, holding Dean's limp body tighter. "I love you so much."

"You're my angel, Cas. Don't ever forget that. I love you."

"More than anything."

And Dean whispered his last words, his body going limp, struggling to speak.

"More than anything."

***Thanks for reading! I'm sorry to have ended it but I wasn't getting anywhere. I hope I didn't end it badly, I tried making it good. And the whole colon cancer was emotional enough for me, I wanted Castiel to be me and Dean to be my father (minus the husband situation), so it's kinda personal. Anyway, I really hope you guys enjoyed my fanfic ***

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