Chapter 22

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"Bean, Bean, Bean, Bean! If I put you in the ground will you grow into a plant and take me to the giant?"

"When you are drunk I swear you turn into a five-year-old. No, there is no giant, Cas."

"Sam's a giant, you would take me to Sam. I need to go pee, Dean!" Castiel threw himself to the bathroom door.

"Then go to the bathroom, maybe I'll get something done like clean up the beer you dropped." Dean got on his knees with a towel in hand to clean up the sticky, smelly liquid.

"I can't zip up my pants!" Castiel yelled loud enough for anyone to hear.

"Would you be quiet? I'll be in in a second." Dean finished cleaning up the beer.

"Hurry up!" Cas whined and Dean groaned.

"I'm never giving you another-" Dean was cut off by Castiel's hungry lips. He licked Dean's bottom lip asking for entrance which Dean gladly gave. The kisses became more heated each time, they wanted more of each other.

"You taste like beer, Cas." Castiel pushed Dean onto the bed landing on top of him.

"You smell like roses and bees." Dean smiled before connecting their lips again.

"We should stop before I get drunk from kissing you." Dean pushed Castiel's flimsy body off of him.

"I want to take a bath!"

"You want to go to sleep!" Dean mocked Castiel's high pitched tone.

"I don't want to go to sleep, I want to get you drunk. Who was that girl earlier? I don't remember her name or if she was wearing-"

"Just a friend. You should shut up and close your eyes, Cas."

"I can't go to sleep!" Castiel rolled over to his side so they were face to face and played with the hem of his t-shirt.

"Just try, I'll try with you." Dean kissed his cheek.

"I don't want to go to sleep."

"Would you want to if I promised to...I don't know, come up with something."

"You have to kiss me to sleep." Cas smirked.

"That's unfair, I want to sleep too."

"You said something! This is my something that you have to do." Cas' smirk still spread across his face.

"You are going to pay for this. I'll be wasting the time I could be sleeping instead of doing this sh-" Dean heard snoring, he smiled when he saw Cas sound asleep beside him.

"Night baby."


"Morning." Dean kissed Castiel's forehead.

Castiel pushed Dean's face away, "Shut up."

"I love you too. What do you want for breakfast?"

"Nothing, just to sleep and to be in quiet." Cas dug his face into his pillow which turned out to be Dean's chest.

"Then go back to sleep. I'll play your favorite song." Castiel nodded. Dean reached for Cas' phone and scrolled through the songs before finding Castiel's favorite, Angel by Theory Of A Deadman, ironic enough. Dean loved the song too, it matched Castiel almost perfectly.

"Thanks." Dean rubbed his hand down Castiel's spine, Cas would shiver when he got lower.

"I love you, no matter how much shit we go through or how much shit I cause I will still love you even if you don't love me."

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