Chapter 7

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Destiel? Hmmm....

"Do you guys need a moment now?" Sam awkwardly stood in the doorway of the torture cell room.

"" Dean answered after realizing he was still squeezing Castiel. He loosened his grip and Cas clinged tighter, "I guess we do then." Sam and Gabriel left.

"Have fun love birds!" Gabriel yelled with a giggle.

"Shut up, Gabe!" Sam yelled then the two laughed together.

"Somethings going on between them..." Dean whispered.

"It's been like that for a while." Castiel looked up at Dean who was still looking out the door at the two grown men poking each other and laughing like little girls.

"And I didn't notice until now?" Dean smiled when he saw Sam pick up Gabriel bridal style.

"You just don't have a eye for stuff like that." Cas smiled and buried his face again.

"But you do?" Dean quietly chuckled and Cas smiled as he felt it.

"Apparently more then you." Castiel got up from Dean's lap.

"No way, you don't know a thing about love." Dean smiled and groaned as he tried to get up, "How the hell did this floor not hurt you!" Dean rubbed his ass; Cas just wondered what it felt like but dismissed the thought.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that!" Castiel yelled as he ran out the room.

"I am sure about it! Angels can't love!" Dean chased after Cas who was already on the other side of the bunker.

"I'm not a angel anymore! Plus, I was an angel and I still managed to love like every other human!" Cas ran up the stairs, Dean chased after him.

"Oh really? Who was the person you 'loved'?" Dean wiggled his eye brows up and down; Castiel laughed.

"Remember Meg?" Dean frowned.

"I thought we agreed to not talk about that disgusting moment?" Dean smiled and Castiel darted for a different room.

"I don't always keep my promises!" Dean laughed and ran up the stairs.

"I will find you! You can't run away from me!" Castile quietly laughed, he loved that moment.


*5 minutes earlier*

"Let's watch them!" Gabriel whispered to Sam.

"Why?" Sam asked through a smile.

"Because-" Gabriel looked at Sam's lips and gave them a quick kiss.

"Fine, but how? I can hear them talking in the cell so they must still be in there." Gabriel snapped his fingers and they were in the same room as Dean and Cas who were still sitting with each other. Sam watched them intently and listened to their every word. Dean mentioned he and Gabriel, he couldn't help but smile. Gabe squeezed Sam's ass.

"Gabe! I'm trying to watch!" Sam smiled at his boyfriend and turned his attention to the other two. They were talking about Cas knowing stuff about loving. Cas got up from Dean's lap.

"It's gonna get cute. Dean doesn't like chick flick moments right?" Gabriel asked but Sam ignored him as Castiel ran out of the room, Dean followed and so did he and Gabe. Sam watched as his brother smiled that big for the first time in a while and it was all because of Cas. Castiel ran up the stairs and Dean followed, he was bound determined to get him but this time it was to love him.

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