Chapter 4

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The grass was covered in dew and it was dark out, one in the morning at least. Everything is cold and hard; rocks were scattered along with the long grass that covered Castiel's whole body rising above him, he isn't visible and he didn't have enough left in him to scream.

"Dean? Sam? Kevin? Anyone!" Castiel coughed and tried to catch his breath. No one returned a call, only a few birds that could care nothing about him until he's dead and ready to be feasted on. He took his head to the side and felt the wet, cold grass brush against his cheek, Cas shivered. Blood was seeping out of his clothes and going to the ground. Castiel knew he wouldn't last much longer if he stayed here in the middle of no where with no one to help as he bled out.

So this is what death feels like.


"He just went to hell, didn't bother thinking about it or discussing about it? That damn angel is so stupid!" Dean pounded against the wall.

"Don't get worked up over it, Dean. He'll be back in a while, Cas could already be back for all I know." Sam sighed heavily.

"I don't get it, why won't he ever listen? Why won't anyone ever listen? I do so much and then they do nothing in return to thank me. I kill shit to let them live when really they might just deserve to die."

"Dean! What happened to 'Saving people, hunting things, it's the family business'? I remember when you told me that after I got out of college, when I was going to completely back out of the hunting business and go to Stanford. But I didn't because I knew people needed me, innocent people and the guitly." Dean rolled his eyes from his bent over position with his hands on the wall.

"I realized how stupid it is. Why do it if people don't appreciate you and go make the stupidest descisions like Cas! Yeah, let's go make a deal with the king of hell because he doesn't constantly go bad!" Dean screamed in sarcasim.

"Shut up, Dean! Listen to yourself! You aren't the Dean that I know, you're different. And don't say 'I'm a fucking demon' 'cause I get it, but you can control it. I don't know who you are." Sam walked out of the room.

"Don't walk away from me!" Dean ran after Sam.

"You're not my brother so go away!" Sam yelled back.

"Shut up! I am your brother! I haven't learned to control everything yet. Please understand, Sammy."

"No, it's just you. It isn't that demon inside you, it's just Dean. Sort your shit." Sam slammed the door.

"That's so mature! I'll sort my shit when you grow up!" Sammy opened the door and quickly gave Dean a good punch to the nose then slammed the door again. A click was heard, locked, "Fine, whatever! I'll leave because you apparently don't need me!" Dean kicked the door and walked out of the bunker. He screamed and kicked the concrete wall; Dean got into the Impala. He was going for a drive, doesn't know where but it doesn't matter as long as he was away from everything.

I don't know how to control anything. I can't find me, all I can find is hate. Dammit, I'm done. I can't do this anymore, I'm not going to be a demon anymore. I'll just die, nobody will care.

Dean kept driving down the cracked, gray road. There wasn't another car but the '67 Chevy Impala cruizing down the road. It was still dark but the headlight portrayed a little light. A few dead animals were scattered across the road but one stood out as Dean drove by, it was much bigger than a rat or a deer.

"Cas!" Dean screamed and slammed on the breaks. The car squeeled and came it a hault; Dean jumped out and fell to his hands and knees beside the man.

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