Chapter 26

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You have to kill him.

I won't. I'm not killing him.

Then we will. We will make it hurt, we will do it in front of you so you have to watch with horror in those black eyes. You'll wish you listened, you are going to loose the one you love all because you don't listen and obey.

"Dean. Dean, wake up." Dean's eyes went back to his gorgeous fanfiction green. Castiel was underneath him and a blade was up to his throat. Dean's eyes went wide and he backed up from Castiel.

"Dean, it's fine. I'm okay, you didn't hurt anything."

"Hey, everything alright in here? Dean, you look like you got the shit scared out of you."

"He's, uh, I don't really know." Castiel tried getting closer to Dean which just resulted in him backing up more.

"Cas, your neck is bleeding." Sam stepped more into the room to Cas.

"Yeah, I know. Dean, you're fine, I'm fine, everything is okay." Castiel extended his hand to Dean, he only shock his head.

"Hey, Dean, you're fine. Come on, let's eat something and get on another case."

"Really Dean, I'm fine. Let's do what Sam said." Dean was starring at the blood dripping down from Castiel's neck. "It's nothing Dean, just a little scratch."

"This is hopeless, let's clean you up and maybe he'll be calmed down by then." Sam took Castiel's hand, Dean's eyes went black again. Sam looked back at Dean and noticed and let go of Castiel's hand. "Dean, it's not like that, I just- let's just go already."


Castiel: Decmeber 4, 2014; 6:01

I'm here, just waiting on you.

"Hey Cassie! What's been up lately?" Anna emerged from the bedroom wearing a white pair of skinny jeans with a red t-shirt underneath that was covered by a black leather jacket and combat boots.

"Nothing much besides Dean. How about you?"

"Perfect, well, considering... How's Dean?"

"He's in pain but he's alright. Had a weird moment this morning that he's still not over. Why do you ask?" Anna took a second to respond.

"Just curious as to how my ex-boyfriend's boyfriend has been doing. You do know that word about almost everything you and Dean do passes around right? We know every single time you two have sexual connections which to my surprise, hasn't happened ever since he came back, but we know most things you do even if we certainly don't want to. I have come to the understanding that you love Dean Winchester and I want you to know that I am not going to stand in the way between the two of you."

"Thank you, Anna. That means a lot considering how every other angel is trying to kill us both."

"My pleasure, Castiel. Just don't go too crazy on him." Anna winked, "And about your Grace, what are you going to do without it?"

"I'm not very sure, I would like to settle down somewhere and live a normal life so I can grasp all of humanity easier but that doesn't seem to be likely when being with Dean. I do think that he may be realizing that it's time to stop and settle down, marry, adopt a kid or two. But I guess getting something like that through his head is nearly impossible anyway."

"A family, that's a nice choice. Are you sure you would want to raise a child in a gay home?" Castiel shifted at the word 'gay.'

"Well, I don't really see how it would hurt them, if we let them grow up and choose their own sexuality and beliefs then I think we will be fine. Dean can teach him or her self defense and I'll watch over them, they will be fine. We would just be a happy family with less worries..."

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