Chapter 10

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Dean stayed locked up in his room. Every so often Cas and Sam would attempt to get in but Dean would just sleep and ignore them. Castiel couldn't believe that what he said hurt Dean that much but he still felt terrible for being a dick.

"Dean, can you please come out and at least say something? Have you even used the bathroom?" Dean stayed silent for a minute until he heard Cas sigh.

"Go away." Dean spoke for the first time ever since what happened.

"Thank god, I thought you would never talk to me again. Baby, I'm really sorry and I just want to see you." Castiel rested his forehead on the door.

"Yeah I'm sure about that. Last I checked I almost killed you a 'jazillion times'. Would you just leave so I can sleep?!" Dean yelled, as usual.

"Would you not yell at me?! I'm only trying to help you and apologize for running my shitty mouth! You could at least try to open up!" Castiel threw his fist at the wall, Dean jumped from his sitting position on the bed.

"Would you not yell at me! I just want to sleep but you and Sam won't leave me alone!" Cas heard the bed creak from weight being lifted off.

"I won't leave you alone because I love you and care about you! Why won't you just open the damn door?!" Castiel kicked the door.

"Because you said it yourself, you don't want to be with a demon," Dean opened the door, "I finally left you alone but it isn't good enough for you. Now you can see me so can I go back to sleep?" Cas' eyes became slightly wide when he saw how terrible Dean looked.

"What were you doing? You have massive bags under your eyes and terrible bed hair with countless bruises. Do you self harm? Are you okay? Do you need the hospital? Should I call? What happened-"

"Cas, shut up." Dean pulled his worried boyfriend in for a tight hug.

"Okay, I can live with that." Dean nuzzled his head into Castiel's neck.

"I did at one point and referred back to it. No hospital, I hate doctors. What happened...I tried to get rid of the pain I felt the wrong way. I'm sorry, Cas." Castiel just pushed their bodes closer, Dean took it as forgiveness.

"Just don't hurt yourself in any possible way ever again. How many bruises and cuts?" Castiel asked through a deep sigh.

"I don't know, I don't know where they all are. None of them are bad."

"I'm doing a body check. Strip off the clothes." Cas disconnected their bodies and motioned his hand down his body.

"You don't need to, Cas. I'm fine. I didn't do anything too deep or bad." Dean's eyes looked watery.

"Does it look like that matters to me? You hurt yourself because of me and I'm checking." Castiel crossed his arms.


"Clothes! Off!"


"I'm taking them off for you! Quit being a dick and strip!" Dean sighed.

"Fine." Dean took of his shirt and hissed at the pain. His pants came off next with a grunt as multiple bruises became visible.

"Why, Dean. We could have just talked, I could have kissed all of your pain away. I wanted to see you and know you're okay. I needed to feel your touch and your arms wrapped around my waist as you kissed my neck. I missed you bugging me all the time. I missed talking to you and hearing your voice. I-I just needed you." Castiel stopped speaking when he felt soft lips collide with his. Cas pushed away.

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