Chapter 14

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"Okie Dokie! Everybody out." Gabriel yelled from the passenger seat. Dean stirred and his eyes fluttered open.

"Where are we? Why am I here? Why am I on your lap? Why were you driving Baby, Sammy!?" Dean shot up out of Castiel's lap.

"We're at the beach like we planned, because this is how we got here, and because you were sleeping." Castiel tilted his head.

"Cas?" Dean squinted his eyes.

"Yes, Dean."

"Why aren't you in Heaven? Why can't I see your wings? Why are you here Gabriel?" Dean began to panic, he clutched on to the door.

"I lost my Grace a while ago, Dean."

"Castiel, shut up." Gabriel touched

his shoulder, telling Cas through his head.

"I'm here because Sam is. Why don't you remember anything?" Gabriel extended his hand but Dean backed up more.

"No, don't touch me. What do you mean 'because Sam's here?'"

"What's the last thing you remember?" Gabriel made his voice soft and calm to try get Dean to calm down.

"Answer my damn question!" Castiel jumped when Dean yelled.

"I'll answer it when you answer mine." Dean sighed.

"I woke up and Crowley was standing beside me. I cleaned up the cut above my eyebrow and we talked. He told me I'm a demon and that's it."

"No, no, no, no, no!" Castiel shoved his face into his hands.

"What?" Dean looked over to Castiel.

" don't remember?" Cas looked at Dean, all that he could see in his green and gold eyes was sadness, the sadness that he had replaced.

"Remember what? What am I suppose to remember?!" Sam put his hand on Castiel's shoulder.

"Us. You are suppose to remember us!" Cas got out of the Impala and slammed the door; Gabriel got out to calm him down.

"Dean, is that all you remember?" Sam looked into his brothers eyes, they were like before he and Cas were happy with each other; like there is a deep void.

"Yes, Sammy! What's going on?!"

"Dean, calm down-"

"Don't tell me to calm down!" Dean opened and closed the door. He didn't look at Cas and Gabriel, just out to the ocean.

"Gabriel, we need to talk." Sam pulled Gabe and Cas to the side.

"I think it's memory lost, something that deals with being a demon. I'm not entirely sure. You and him are baffling me, I can't read either of you. You're just worry but I can't tell about what and Dean's was flat out blank. Are you blocking me, Cas?" Gabriel asked.

"No, I can't. Can't we fix it? I need Dean to remember, I'm not going to go on if he can't!"

"We can try telling him stuff little at a time and see if his memory starts to come back but don't tell him about you and him, that would be a giant surprise. Don't cry in front of him either, I know it's hard to control emotions still for you but try." Castiel looked over to Dean; he was leaned against the Impala rubbing his hand against his arm.

"Okay. Can't you help in some way? You're a angel you should be able to." Cas wiped away the fallen tears.

"It would be dangerous for the both of us. Angels can't really heal demons."

"I'm not asking you to heal him! I'm asking you to let him know!" Dean shot his head up.

"Yo, Cas. What's up with you?" Dean placed a hand on his shoulder, Castiel tried his hardest not to hug him.

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