Chapter 43

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Sam stood outside the bunker waiting for his brother to pull up in the familiar black 1967 Chevy Impala. When it did, Dean came out limping.

"Seriously? You guys went out just to have sex?" Sam asked, shoving his packed bag into the back.

"Ah...yes. Would you rather hear us?" Dean asked, smirking.

Sam shook his head, "You know what, I'm not going to complain."

Castiel nodded from the back and sighed.

Dean still hadn't proposed. Maybe he never will?

"You alright baby?" Dean asked, looking through the rear-view mirror. Castiel nodded with a fake smile.

No, you're too much of a douchebag to marry me. I am not alright.


They boys did their hunt, just a simple newbie werewolf. Of coarse, he wasn't let off the hook for being new to the whole eating people's hearts thing. Dean was the one to kill him, and honestly, it felt good to kill something.

"Have fun?" Sam asked, a look of...disappointment on his face.

Dean grinned, "Oh yeah. I haven't killed something in ages."

Castiel mumbled "Yes, because killing is good" but nobody heard him except himself.

Sam rolled his eyes and continued to look out the passenger window.

"Why aren't you with Gabriel?" Castiel asked, trying to break the awkward silence but only making it more awkward.

"He's a douchebag. I don't want to marry him, or be with him, or see him! How can he pull you two apart but manage to let us be together?! He said something about it being his job but I don't fucking get it. Why would God let Gabe and I be together but not you two? There's isn't a difference! But he just shoved your grace back into you, it's not fair! He's such an asshole!" Sam yelled, not noticing he had said every thought until he had finished speaking.

"Gabe is stupid, trust me, I know, but you gotta give him a chance. You're a human and he's an angel. Dean's a demon and I'm an angel. There's a huge difference there. They think that I'll help Crowley with hell so they sent Gabriel to separate us. Obviously it didn't work so maybe he'll piss off and everything will be back together."

"I hope so." Sam mumbled, returning his gaze to the passing trees and dead fields. Then he heard Gabriel's voice in his head saying exactly what Sam wanted to hear at that moment.

I'm sorry...


I'm sorry it's really short but I at least have something down. Friggin' writers block with this one is killing me. I haven't had any writers block trouble with Stay With Me but damn...almost a whole month to update this one. I'm sorry guys...I'm such a douche.

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