Chapter 35

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Castiel's eyes flung open, he took in a deep breath and looked around him. Nobody was there, it was empty. Cas looked at the machines surrounding him, one beeping faster than he remembered, his heart beat.

"Dean?" Castiel tried to get up but couldn't, "Dean!" Nobody answered or came in. Castiel pulled off everything connected to him and slowly got up from the hospital bed. It didn't hurt to move, surprisingly.

Cas went into the bathroom and changed into a pair of clothes sitting on the chair. They looked like Dean's clothes but Castiel didn't want to go home in a hospital gown. The jeans are slightly ripped and the AC-DC shirt was a little too big considering how Dean's more bulky. Not that Cas is complaining.

He pulled on his converse that were still there and one of Dean's jackets that were hanging in the bathroom. The clothes smelt like Dean making Castiel's stomach flutter.


Castiel easily got out of the hospital. Maria asked if he wanted her to call Dean but with how many numbers he has, Castiel couldn't remember.

He picked up a ride from a kind old lady, Castiel had her drop him off a mile before the bunker and walked the rest of the way. The Impala was sitting there along with Sam's car.

The bunker looked the same altogether; inside and out. It seemed like no one was in the bunker either, only him. A light was on upstairs so Cas went to check it, once again, nobody.

"Dean! Sam!" Castiel yelled, checking behind some closed doors.

He gave up, made himself some coffee, and watched Dr. Sexy M.D.


Dean went on a walk while Sam took a jog. He was out for two hours at the most, desperately needing some time away from the hospital.

Anna met him on the road, only pissing him off more. She acts like she's queen of everything. Luckily, Dean got a couple punches in to shut her up, putting her out cold...nobody needs to know that much.

The bunker hadn't changed when he arrived back, his baby still sitting there. No sign of anybody coming in or going out. No Cas, no nothing.

Dr. Sexy M.D. was on, Dean thought he might have left it on. But then the bathroom door opened and out came Cas rubbing the back of his head and yawning. Dean stood there, trying to figure out if what he's seeing is really him.

Castiel saw him and ran down the stairs to wrap his arms around his neck.

"Dean, I missed you so much." Castiel whispered against his shirt.

Dean hit reality and squeezed him closer, if that's even possible, "I missed you too baby. I missed you so bad."

"I know, I heard you. Merry late Christmas."

Dean kissed his hair, "I love you, Cas. Baby, I love you so damn much. Stay, please stay and don't ever leave. Don't leave me."

"I'm not going anywhere."

Dean and Cas stayed like that, just with their arms wrapped around each other, pressed together until there was no room.

"God Cas, you wearing my clothes is freakin' hot."

Castiel pulled away with a toothy grin across his perfect face.

"I take that as a compliment."



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