Chapter 33

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Dean barged into Castiel's hospital room. He was asleep, thank god. Dan didn't see anything wrong but maybe he missed it.

"Cas. Baby, wake up." Dean nudged his shoulder but no response was given.

"Cas! Wake up!" Once again, no response. "Baby, wake up. I'm here, Gabriel called. Open your eyes and tell me what happened."

Castiel looked dead, his body was colder than it should be, Dean checked his morphine dose but it was turned down completely.


"I need someone in here!" Dean ran to the door and kept yelling. "Please! He's not waking up!"

A nurse came towards him, "What's the matter?"

"He won't wake up, I tried but he's not moving."

The woman smiled at him, "I'm sure he's fine, he's bound to be really tired after everything. But if you are concerned you can find his doctor on the top floor."

Dean ran past her and darted down the halls. Maria yelled to him but Dean ignored her completely. When he finally reached the elevators they were down, all of them, "Really?! You've got to be kidding me! Shit!"

Dean went looking for stairs. After climbing up three floors they stopped at a door. Dean sprinted down the hallways, bumping into multiple people in the process. He finally reached another door that made him climb six floors. Dean saw Castiel's doctor turning the corner. Dean ran after him calling out his name.


Dean had his hands on his knees, bent down so he could catch his breath. "Cas, he isn't waking up. I-I tried everything! His morphine was turned off and his skin is cold."

Dr. Smith opened his mouth to ask who Cas is but decided against it. "How long has it been?"

"I-I don't know. I just got here after a friend called saying he wasn't okay. I had to run up the stairs and down the halls so maybe five minutes. Please, please. I need your help."

Dr. Smith ran down the stairs with Dean and through the hallways until they both reached his room along with several other nurses he called on the way. Castiel hadn't moved ever since Dean came in, his body still in the same position.

"Every machine that's suppose to draw out the pain is turned off." One of the nurses, Nancy, said. Dean's stomach flipped.

Cas isn't okay.

Mentally okay, he isn't mentally okay. Now he's physically not okay. He did this himself.

"I-I think he did it."

Dr. Smith turned towards him, "What?"

Dean's bottom lip trembled, "I-I think he did this to himself. They said he isn't okay, and it wasn't physically okay when they called. I-I'm too late, if I was here earlier-"

"No, this isn't your fault. If he did this to himself than its his fault more than anyone's." Nancy told him with her best assuring smile on her face, although it only made Dean feel a million times worse.

"I'll need you to exit, Dean." Dr. Smith led him to the door. Dean reluctantly stepped outside and waited by the door after it was shut.

Five minutes pass and Dean's more nervous than ever. He hasn't gotten any word on what's wrong and if Cas is okay yet. The waiting is killing him.

Dr. Smith stepped out; Dean couldn't read his face. "He's in a coma."

"W-What? Why?" Dean suddenly felt queazy so he say back down.

"He had a massive infection that's spreading. Since his medicine and everything wasn't working its spreading like a wild fire."

Dean's stomach turned, he wanted to throw up. "I-Is he gonna make it?"

"If it keeps going like it is at this rate, most likely not."

Dean shoved his face into his hands, "No, no, Cas always makes it. Cas always pushes through." Dean said it, more reassuring himself.

"I'm sorry, I truly am." Dr. Smith tried lightening the mood; he sat down beside Dean. "How long have you two been together?" Dean found his smile a little reassuring. Only a little.

"A little more than two years, we've known each other way longer." Dean wanted to cry just thinking about the first tim they had met.

"How far into the relationship?"

"I... going to - when- when..." Dean couldn't hold it anymore. The first tear fell followed by many others.

Dr. Smith patted him on the back, "I'll make sure he pulls through." He got up and left. Dean sat there, completely helpless.


Gabriel had arrived with Sam a few minutes before. Dean demanded answers.

"Why would he do that? He was perfectly happy when I left!"

Gabriel sighed, "I already showed you everything. He's facing depression. Look at his arms if you don't believe me!"

"Cas wouldn't try to kill himself!"

Sam snapped, "Look at him! Look at him, Dean, and tell me that's not true!" Sam pointed his finger at the sleeping Cas.

"He wouldn't..." Dean's voice started to break, "Cas wouldn't do that." Dean wanted to believe what he's saying so bad but he knows Castiel is the one who did it. "I could have - have been there for him. I could have helped and told him everything's alright when it damn well isn't. Why wasn't I there? What the hell is wrong with me?!" Dean felt something in his pocket and cried, he didn't want to think about it. He promised himself the next time he saw Cas, but it's not going to work out the time.


Castiel was walking through a meadow, the one he would visit in heaven but it seemed happier. The grass is the brightest green and the trees so beautiful along with gorgeous flowers surrounding every where you look. It all is so perfect except for one thing is missing.

"Dean? Dean!" Castiel started searching but couldn't find him. Disappointed, he stopped and sat down in the long grass.

"Castiel." Cas shot his head to the direction of the voice. Gabriel stood there, disappointment in his gaze. "You son of a bitch."


God, my eyes are heavy! I have the perfect idea for my next fanfic (not the sequel) but ugh...just finding the time to write it (-_-)

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