Chapter 23

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The rest of the trip of Hawaii was fast and filled with little lust. No sex, or at least between Dean and Castiel, Sam and Gabriel are a entire different story. Sex, sleep, eat, swim, and drink is what their trip to Hawaii consisted of. Dean and Cas were barely ever in the hotel room but were mostly outside. Two nights in a row they went to the off limits property and went skinny dipping. Sam and Gabriel refused to because "we might get in trouble" Dean, however, didn't give a fuck and dragged Castiel into it. The weather was always warm if not hot and it only rained once but it was a terrible storm that kept them in one whole afternoon which they all found dreadful except for when having sex and making out came into the equation. Castiel was surprised overall with how well Dean has learned to control his crave for killing; he still has that burning itch in his throat and the feeling of nails being dug into his heart and organs but he found the art of controlling the mark and it's needs rather easy after he got the hang of it. Dean learned that whatever makes him really mad will set him off and then there's no stopping him so he tries to stay away from whatever angers him. One time a female was chanting "gay, their gay, what a faggot. They are sucking each other's cocks and cheating on each other with woman" which set Dean overboard but Cas calmed him somehow just by speaking. Sam says he has "the touch" but Castiel says he just got lucky and so did she. Dean, on the other hand, was never quite the same after that. He wasn't as joyful and wanting to rip Castiel's clothes off and hungrily do what he wished, instead he would sit on the bed or sand depending on where they were and fiddle with his necklace and ring. Castiel would talk to him occasionally but Dean would never reply with anything other than a shrug. The lust stopped showing and his depressing side was blooming which made Castiel worried and scared. The plane ride home was quiet too and Dean didn't react to anything when they plane hit turbulence or was landing or taking off. He just sat there and softly hummed Metallica without saying a word. The short time it took the four to reach the bunker was also quiet and Dean didn't say a word except for when he coughed occasionally. Castiel would ask if he was okay or needed anything but Dean would only shrug. Cas was only trying to help and he wanted Dean to see that.


A week had passed since Dean, Cas, Sam, and Gabriel took their trip to Hawaii and all was the same. Dean was shut up, Castiel was getting mad, Sam would be looking for a case and Gabriel would take trips down to see Sam and occasionally get steamy to "get things off of his mind."

"Dean, what do you want for dinner?" Castiel stood in the doorway leaned up against the post. Winchester only shrugged his shoulders. "Dean Winchester, it's a simple question that only requires one word at the least. You can answer it for me." Sam watched Castiel and Dean waiting for one of them to snap.

"You're such a asshole. All I'm trying to do is ask you a simple question but all you do is shrug your shoulders. You know what? I don't give a fuck anymore. You can keep being a stubborn dick while I go and relax for once." Cas stormed out of Dean's room and slammed the door behind him.

"You shouldn't be so hard on him until we figure out what's wrong."

"Well I'm sorry that I can't keep doing this whole nice person act! I'm not going to keep watching him sit there like it's the most fun he's ever had! It's either he cracks or I do!"

Sam chuckled, "You are acting like a angry wife, Cas. Just chill."

"I'm a angry boyfriend! I'm not going to 'chill'!" Castiel slammed his beer on to the table and it shattered leaving the liquid on the table.

"Seriously Cas, stop before you hurt someone."

"Before I hurt someone?! What about that asshole of a boyfriend sitting on that bed thinking about god-only-knows-what worrying the shit out of me?! You go and try talking to him, well see what happens then!" Castiel kicked the table and grabbed the keys to the Impala.

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