Chapter 41

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Castiel rolled up his sleeve, wincing slightly as it ran across his fresh cut; he now had multiple after his first try a couple days ago with Dean, finding it amazingly and horrifyingly enjoyable to have his blood being sucked out of him. Gabriel had a conversation with him about letting Dean carry on with this but Castiel refused to listen, knowing all of it true, but went back to Dean.

"This whole blood sucking thing is incredibly hot but I think we should cut back."

Dean smirked as he pulled up the rest of his jeans, "You don't need it, I do."

"Why can't I join in on the fun?"

Dean cupped Castiel's cheek and lightly pushed his head up, his lips connecting with just underneath Cas' chin.

"We can have more fun if you want."

Castiel held in a loud moan, his voice breaking as he spoke, "I-I think we need to get back to Sam."

"He has Gabriel."

"They are currently mad at each other. One of them could be dead for all we know."

Dean sighed, pulling his lips away from his boyfriends warm skin, "They're pissed at each other, Cas."

"I think everybody is pissed off at Gabe right now. I hope it doesn't ruin their soon-to-be marriage."

Dean quietly chuckled, "I bet fifty bucks it won't last up to their date. I mean, how can you just forget about your fiancé beating the shit out of your brothers boyfriend? I can hold a grudge but damn, I would beat the shit out of him."

Castiel thought about how much he wanted the word boyfriend to be husband. They had been together long enough, they know every detail about each other, so why not make it official?

"Cas? Earth to Cas?" Dean waved his hand in front of Castiel's face. Cas pulled himself from his thoughts, or fairytale dreams.

Dean gave Castiel a questioning look, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, I was just thinking."


Castiel shook his head, "Nothing of any importance."

"Was it about me fucking you? Because if it was, that is of great importance and we should get right on to that. I don't want your fairytale dreams to never come true."

Castiel's mouth quirked into a small smile, "It has already came true, on more than one occasion."

Dean sat down on Castiel's lap, "What were you thinking about, Cas?"

"How much I need to shower."

"You are the worst lier there is."

Castiel tried shoving Dean off of him, "It's one of my specialities."

"Tell me."

"No. Why does it matter anyway?"

Dean sighed and scooted himself closer until his chest is firmly pressed against Castiel's and his arms are wrapped around him.

"Because I love you and that look really worried me."

"I was thinking, how is that worrying?"

Dean sighed against Castiel's shoulder, "You think too much and thinking isn't always the best thing. What were you so engrossed into?"

"Just my future."

"What do you mean?"

Castiel pulled Dean's head away from his shoulder, "Hey, I told you now get off my ass about it."

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