Chapter 8

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"What are you getting Cas?" Dean wrapped his arms around the waist of his new boyfriend and kissed his neck.

"Would you not do that here?" Castiel smacked Dean's hand off his waist.

"It's your fault for being so innocent and vulnerable. Oh, and don't forget tempting." Dean put his hand on Cas' lower back motioning him to sit at the table where Sam and Gabriel were already occupying.

"Well, I would appreciate it if you would just stop touching me." Cas gave him a sarcastic smile and seated himself to the edge of the booth.

"Problems already?" Gabriel put on a puppy dog lip.

"No, he's just too touchy." Dean smiled and wrapped his arm around Cas' waist.

"Well Cas just doesn't know how much I love him."

"Is that your first way to say I love you? Taken from my opinion that's quite pathetic."

"I could say I hate you if you'd rather prefer that? Your choice." Sam kicked his brother from underneath the table.

"Hey, Sammy. I'm not in the mood to play footsies."

"Dean, just shut up before you make anything any worse." Dean opened his mouth to speak but the waitress interrupted. Dean, of coarse, noticed her cleavage that was hanging out until Sam kicked him and brought him back into reality.

"Thank you." Sam said after she finished taking their orders, the waitress looked at Dean and he nodded trying not to draw any more attention to his previous actions. She came back shortly after and handed Dean the milkshake he ordered but 'dropped his straw' and bent down to pick it up which exposed her hot pink lace underwear to Dean. Anna, the waitress, eventually left the four men to themselves. Dean got up to use the bathroom and Cas used that time to escape outside to 'get some air' as he told them. Cas was just overly pissed at how Dean reacted to the slut.

"Hey...where's Cas?" Sam looked up from the straw wrapper he was folding into a swan.

"Where were you when she was about to dry hump you? Oh yeah, I forgot. You were in Dean's world which didn't consist of Cas sitting fucking beside you." Sam was ready to kill Dean and he definitely showed.

"What do you mean?" Dean sat back down in the booth.

"I mean you shouldn't play idiot. You know how you went all goo-roo for that slut when your new boyfriend was sitting beside you about ready to kill her and himself. You really expect him to stay and watch it happen all over again when she comes to get the bill that you're paying for and not Cas who insisted he did? I sure would have ditched you to that slut so you two could go fuck and whatever while I go find myself the right person." Gabriel stayed silent through it all.

"It wasn't like that. She just shoved her ass up into my face and her..." Dean trailed off trying to figure out a good lie.

"Don't try to lie to me. You need to go fix everything up with Cas or so help me God I'm going to slit your throat. And if you lie I will put you back into that torture cell so you will rot on your own." Sam held a finger to Dean the whole time he spoke.

"Okay, chill on the threats. I'll go and everything will be back to normal." Dean left the diner as Sam let out a sigh and Gabriel rubbed his back.

"Cas?" Dean walked around the whole diner but didn't find him anywhere,"Cas!" Still no reply. He went back in to tell Sam and Gabriel that he couldn't find him, he went into the bathroom to see them making out so he left after almost throwing up. Sam had the keys to the Impala so he was forced to walk.

"Goddammit, Cas." Dean muttered under his breath. He walked for a few minutes until he saw a familiar form sitting beside a tree texting on their smart phone.

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