Chapter 9

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This one is probably going to be really short, I have to leave in a little bit so I'll try hard to make it at least semi-good(:


"Dean!" Castiel screamed in his sleep. He slept in Dean's room because Winchester insisted he did, it is more comfortable than the couch anyway. Dean came running into the room.

"Cas! What's wrong? What happened? Are you hurt?" Castiel laid in the bed shaking and sweating, he did say something but Dean couldn't make it out.

"Cas, wake up." Dean shook his boyfriends shoulders. He opened his eyes and took a long gasp for air.

"Dean, what are you doing in here? That sounded rude, sorry." Cas wiped his forehead and looked at his sweat covered hand.

"You were screaming."

"I was? What did I say?" Casitel uncovered himself from the bed covers.

"You screamed my name and were muttering something else, I don't know what though." Dean kissed Cas' forehead.

"Oh, must have been something that went along with the nightmare."

"What was it about?" Dean asked; he pulled Cas in for a tight hug.

"Nothing important. What time is it?" Castiel kissed the little bit of his chest the was visible from the opening of his shirt.

"Almost five, that is probably the longest you've gone without waking up. Is it like dying or something?"

"Dean, it's not important. I was just tired and a couple things came back to mind."

"Fine, go back to sleep. I'll come back in to check on you." Dean pecked at his sweaty boyfriends chapped lips and went to the door, "Night, baby."

"Wait, Dean. Will you lay with me?" Dean smiled and Castiel returned one.

"Absolutely, Cas; and before you say anything...I will only lay with you, I promise to do nothing more." Cas smirked and Dean climbed under the covers.

"Thanks. I can't promise I'll stay awake for very long though." Castiel buried his face into Dean's neck.

"That's fine, I won't either." Dean kissed Cas' hair.

"I thought you said nothing more?" Castiel joked. The two of them smiled and nuzzled up closer.

"I love you but I can't say it enough."

"It's only been...what, two days? You can't know if you love me." They intertwined their legs so little to no space was left in-between their bodies.

"It's been years, Cas. I've liked you for a while, I just never owned up to my feelings. I kept telling myself I was straight but you made me turn with your adorable smile, great ass that I have yet to see, rough voice, I could go on if you want. The point is that I love you and not a thing can stop me from loving you. Not Crowley, not Sam, not Gabe, especially not a single angel or demon. You're mine and I'm yours." Castiel was snoring by the time Dean finished, he wasn't surprised or offended; he just peacefully fell asleep with him.


"Dean! Wake up little princess!" Dean was laying on the floor with a blanket around him.

"How- never mind."

"You fell on the floor shortly after that fiasco last night but I didn't feel like trying to pick you up so I covered you with a couple blankets." Cas was leaning on the side of the bed with only his head visible.

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