Chapter 6

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It's true, Dean's hand pressed up against Castiel's skin was the best feeling Cas had felt ever since he became human. He had also noticed and felt certain things for Dean Winchester, the hot shot that could always somehow and mysteriously get any lady he wanted. But somehow, it's the same with men too. Cas had bound right determined himself not to be gay, he's suppose to be a straight ex-angel that's trying to get his Grace back but there's someone distracting him. A muscle hunk, strong hearted guy that Cas had fallen so effortlessly for. Getting Dean out of his mind is nearly impossible.


"Alrighty, you finished dressing?" Dean entered the room just finishing zipping up his pants, Cas was having trouble with his own.

"Not really, these damn buttons. I swear they are the worse invention of all and I know that there are plenty. It's like my weakness." Castiel sighed as he fiddled with the button again.

"A button is your kryptonite? That doesn't sound pathetic at all."

"Kryptonite? What's that?"

"Are you kidding me! You never watched Superman when you were in heaven?" Dean's eyes were wide and surprised.

"Ah, no. Is he important or something?" Castiel put on his shirt forgetting about the button.

"He's only one of the best known super hero's of all time. I prefer Batman though," Castiel still looked utterly confused, "You know, 'I'm batman!'" Dean held one finger to each side of his head and did his impersonation of Batman. Castiel could only laugh at the stupidity of his best friend.

"We'll have to watch it sometime." Castiel walked out of the bathroom but Dean grabbed him by the waist not really meaning to.

"Hang on, you need to fix your girl jeans." Dean smirked and buttoned and zipped up Cas' pants.

"Girl jeans? Sam!" Sam came running out of his room.

"What?" Sam smiled when he saw Dean smiling from the doorway trying to hide it.

"Girl jeans? You made me wear girl jeans?" Sam laughed and fell to his knees.

"No, they're called skinny jeans dumb ass." Sam continued laughing followed by Dean crying because it was funny.

"For the last time, I'm not a dumb ass. And if you two would grow up for one second so we can go on with a case so I can keep my mind off of shit it might help out just a little bit." Dean and Sam stopped laughing.

"Woah, Cas. Calm down, it was just funny with how you reacted and I broke down when Sammy did. He laughs like a girl mixed with a moose." Sam did a moose impression and the two hunters lost it once again. Castiel was as angry as ever.

"I'm going to go and do something useful as you two lay on the ground laughing about shit." Castiel walked out of the room still pissed off at them, he didn't really know why but he was. He felt the urge to hit both of them hard. They made a fool out of him countless times but this time he hated it and couldn't stand it.

"Hello, Castiel. How's it working out with you and Dean Winchester? I heard from a little birdie that it's been getting steamy in the shower." Crowley stood leaning on the Impala, he heard the two immature hunters laughing again.

"What do you want? I thought you were done with me." Castiel leaned up against the bunker walls.

"No need to be the Grinch, Castiel. I get you're irritated with that immature party in there but you needn't take it out on me. I haven't done anything to you." Castiel could feel his heart burn as Crowley spewed out the words. He came up close to Crowley and pinned him up against the Impala.

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