Chapter 5

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"Cas! Cas, look at me. What's wrong? What happened?" Dean grabbed the crying mans face.

"They stabbed me and h-hit me. Crowley cursed and t-threw me up then down. He l-laughed and stabbed me a-again. I kept s-screaming and was crying. I can f-feel it. I don't know what t-to do!" Castiel started crying again and leaned his head into his knees.

"It's all over now, Crowley can't get you. Stop crying. Look at me, Cas." Dean took his face again.

"Dean, he broke me again. I don't k-know what to do anymore." Castiel avoided all contact with Dean.

"You can always be fixed, I'll fix you. I know it's probably really hard for you right now being new to all things human; feelings, pain, it's all hard. But you'll get through it, I will help you. What do you mean again?" Dean tried to look into the ex-angels eyes but he avoided all eye contact with Dean.

"H-He took my Grace, he almost killed me. I'm b-broken, Dean!" Sam stood in the door watching them.

"You don't need your Grace, Cas. I'm broken too, let's be broken together." Castiel looked up with his wet eyes and cheeks.

"Together? What do you mean?" Sam looked just as confused as Castiel.

"I mean we can be broken together and go through the process of being human together, we'll get fixed somehow. I promise." Dean forced a smile, the best he could manage.

"But I can't be fixed, you can. I'm sorry." Cas began crying again. Dean sighed and looked up at Sam to see if he had any ideas.

"Sorry for what? Cas, look at me." Dean grabbed his wet cheeks again.

"That I-I..." Cas trailed off into his sobs. Dean grabbed him from the floor and sat him down on the bed.

"Come on, Cas. Just tell me, no crying." Dean smiled a little smile.

"I didn't save you. You're still a demon, I failed. I failed miserably. I couldn't do it and I'm so sorry." Cas held back tears but he knew he couldn't hold much longer.

"It's okay, Cas; I can deal with being a demon. I didn't ask you to try to help me anyway. You shouldn't have tried. Crowley's just a son of a bitch who won't let any one have their way any time." Dean looked at Cas' chapped lips and felt the urge to know what they felt like but Sammy was in the doorway watching them closely.

"But I tried and I failed and all I did was mess things up even more." Dean sighed and waved Sam out of the door and told him to shut it, he did and it was just he and Castiel.

"Look Cas, you need to let it go. You can't be getting all worked up over just this." Dean still held his face.

"I-I...I don't want to talk about it."

"Fine but bottling up your emotions doesn't help a damn thing, take it from the expert. You're gonna have to tell me one time or another." Dean let go of him.

"But I don't want to think about it, I don't want to talk about it, I don't want to ever dream about it." Dean shivered; was it really that bad? Did he kill someone? Was he raped? By Crowley? A demon? Who did it? All he knew was if he was raped Dean's going to make their death even more excruciating and painful; it's bad enough that Crowley already hurt Cas.

"Fine, okay. Let's go eat something." Dean stood up from his crouched position and felt the pain in the back of his knees, he ignored it.

"No, I-I'm not hungry." Cas backed up more on the bed.

"Don't give me shit, Cas. I know you're starving." Dean walked back over and bitch-faced Cas but not as good as Sammy could ever have.

"I'm not hungry, Dean." Cas tried to straightened his voice but it didn't work very well. Dean got on his knees on the bed and pulled Castiel closer to him. He grabbed his thighs and put him over his back. Cas' face was near his ass, perfect he thought.

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