Chapter 25

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The whole night was silent except for their breathing and occasional ruffle of the blankets on top of them. Dean and Cas had eventually separated their bodies and their backs were turned against each other. Dean didn't sleep, he can't since he's still a demon, Cas did though which scared Dean. Winchester found nothing better to do so he got up and made breakfast.

"Dean? Dean!" Castiel sat up in the bed, Dean ran in. "Oh, sorry, I thought you left." Dean gave Castiel a small smile and left to wake Sammy up.

"Go away, Cas." Dean hit Sam's arm again. "Ugh, give me five more minutes." Dean rolled his eyes and left to find Castiel slowly making his way into the kitchen rubbing the back of his head.

"Breakfast? I said I was going to make it." Dean smiled and slid Cas' plate to him. "If I kissed you would you kiss me back? Actually, never mind." Winchester raised a eyebrow in question. "I mean, I don't think you will since you haven't for the past two months, I don't expect you to start any time soon. Forget I asked." Dean nodded and went to eating his breakfast on the couch reading his newspaper.

"Dean? I thought you went on a hunt last night. I heard the door open and the sound of the keys. Where did you go?" Dean tilted his head and lowered the newspaper.

"I don't think he went anywhere, I was with him the whole time."

"Huh, weird. So who made breakfast?"

"Asshole over there sitting on the couch." Dean smiled at Cas who smiled back which made Sam smile.

"Getting along for once?"

"I guess, still no talking but it's getting better. He actually touched me." Sam nodded and winked at Dean, Dean only rolled his eyes.

"Is it the touching I'm hoping?"

"If rubbing my back is the touching you are hoping than yes."

"Nope, but that's good. Way to go Dean-o!" Dean stuck his tongue out and Sam chuckled.

"I am living with children. Oh shit."


"I haven't even talked to Anna to give her my apartment, it's been months."

"Well let's do that now. Text her."

"Are you sure? Well, I guess it won't hurt." Castiel ran into Dean's bedroom and grabbed his phone.

Castiel: December 2, 2014; 7:34 am

I meant to tell you like two months ago...but you can have my apartment, I paid all of the expenses for the next year.

Anna: December 2, 2014; 7:36 am

Well fck you. I'll take it. How's Dean doing?

Castiel: December 2, 2014; 7:38 am

Fine I guess. He hasn't spoken for the last 2 months but he's alive and breathing.

Anna: December 2, 2014; 7:39 am

I know I was a complete bitch that day but do you want to hang out sometime? I have nothing better 2 do on Thursday anyway.

Castiel: December 2, 2014; 7:40

Sure, where?

Anna: December 2, 2014; 7:41


Castiel: December 2, 2014; 7:42

See you then(:

"I'm going to be out for awhile."

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