Chapter 39 + 40

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After a couple kisses asking him not to leave, Dean had Castiel wrapped around him, his legs around his torso and arms around his neck. Castiel buried his face into Dean's chest, taking in his sent. Dean tried not to drop him, his body is still drenched from the rain. Dean finds it sexy though; Castiel in his clothes, wet and vulnerable and slowly drifting off.

"Hey, don't fall asleep." Dean 'accidentally' made Castiel crash into a wall. Cas' head flung up.

"I haven't slept in a couple days...sorry."

Dean quietly chuckled, "Don't worry about it. You can go up to bed and sleep for days if you want."

"Or we can."

Dean got the hint and walked up the stairs with Castiel still wrapped around him and dripping on the floor.

"I'm cold." Castiel mumbled against Dean's now wet shirt.

"I know, let's get you changed and covered up." Dean clung on to Castiel tighter, that's when he felt his wings. "Angel again?"

"Thanks Gabriel for that." Dean ended it there, he could tell there was irritation in his voice. But curiosity struck him.

"What happened between you two? Before you walked out death glares were shared. And he beat you up, and shoved your Grace back into you."

Dean could feel Castiel's muscles tense, "Just an argument."

"Anything more specific?"

Castiel picked up his head and unwrapped himself from Dean.

"We had an argument. It got carried away. That's all." Cas walked away from Dean and slammed "his" bedroom door.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was a touchy subject." Dean must of put some enthusiasms in touchy because Castiel came storming by the a bag full of stuff.

"I also didn't mean to say that like I did." Dean came jogging down the stairs after Cas.

Castiel slammed the bunker door open, which would require a lot of strength. He's pretty pissed.

"I'm sorry!" Dean came out in the rain following behind Cas.

"Cas, please! Don't walk away again!"

Castiel whipped around, his wing hitting a tree branch in the process, making it fly from the tree.

"I don't give a rats ass if you're sorry. I don't give a shit too if you want me to stay either."

Dean stopped in his tracks and just fell to his knees, his stomach started turning and his mouth felt dry.

"Oh shit, not again."

Castiel tilted his head, a scowl still on his face.


Dean didn't answer, he only ran into the bunker and unlocked a safe. Castiel followed him in, he doesn't know why other than he was curious.

Dean was drinking from a flax, every last bit was gone.

"No, no, no, no, no." Dean frantically searched for something else, Sam came out and shoved him a bottle of red liquid. Dean silently said thank you and started gulping it down. Castiel's eyes are wide with horror.

"You didn't-"

Sam tried to look at Cas. "Crowley did." Dean threw the empty bottle on the floor, "All good?" Sam asked, looking at Dean.

"All good." Dean mumbled, "Thanks."

"No problem."

Castiel is still standing there, horrified. "When did that happen?"

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