Chapter 19

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So my Dad is apparently going to cut my (our counting my sister) wifi use to one hour a day. It sucks, I know. But I'll try to make do with it. I won't be updating as much sadly. I'm praying that he will forget about it or be my favoritest stepdad ever and just not do it. Ilysm! Xoxo


"Love is difficult, it will make you do what you never would have even considered before. Love can be temporary but when you find that one person it's permanent. Love is what keeps us going and the person we love. Don't take love for granite, treasure every moment you can hold them in your arms because it won't last for eternity."

~ U.L.M.


"I'm going to leave so you two can...catch up. Have fun!" Charlie skipped to the door.

"Thanks!" Dean yelled to her.

"Don't forget to use protection!" Charlie said with a smirk. Castiel and Dean rolled their eyes.

"I love you." Dean said after a minute of silence. It wasn't a awkward silence because neither were alone, they were together and in the same room thinking about the same thing.

"I love you too." Castiel glanced up at Dean and smiled.

"Do you want to do something?" Dean asked.

"Hm...what do you want to do?"

"I'm hungry if that gives us any ideas. I haven't eaten for the past year."

"A whole year?! We are going across the street and are getting burgers!" Castiel pulled on his wrist.

"You still have that love for burgers?" Dean asked smiling.

"Of course! Let's goooooo!"


"Sam, come on. Get up." Gabriel shook his shoulder trying to wake him up.

"I don't want to!" Sam buried his face into his pillows more.

"Cas and Dean invited us to hang out, are you really going to let this opportunity slip away? You haven't seen him for a whole year!"

"What time do we have to leave?"

"You have to leave, I could leave at any time. At least by twelve, it's 10:30 now. And please don't get drunk in-between now and then."

"Will you stay with me? I don't want to be alone anymore." Gabriel sighed and sat on the bed with Sam.

"I can't do this anymore, I can't do us. This past year has just been shit with me having to take on Castiel's part and me having to take care of you when you're drunk which is all the time. I don't want to be together anymore, you're rarely ever sober." Gabriel buried his face in his hands.

"I'll stop drinking, I won't touch another beer ever again. I can't loose you too." Sam wrapped his arms around Gabriel's neck.

"You can say that all you want but I won't believe it."

"Dean's back, I won't get drunk anymore okay? Don't leave me, please."

"Stop! I'm trying to be angry at you!"

"You suck at it." Sam forced a smile, Gabriel chuckled.

"Just lay back down." Sam did and Gabe wormed his way around Sammy.

"I missed this." Sam whispered.

"I would never be able to leave you Samsquatch." Sammy smiled and kissed his forehead.

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