Chapter 18

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"Chuck is God? I didn't see that coming." Castiel sat in one of the five chairs surrounding a round table.

"Yep, we talked and I begged to come back after he told me you have a girlfriend. He told me the conditions after he finally caved in, I agreed and I was at my gravesite before I knew it. Where's Sammy?"

"I called him over." Charlie interrupted.

"Has been okay?" Dean voice filled with worry.

"Drunk most of the time but I don't blame him." Castiel got up from his seat.

"He turned into me in just a year. I thought he was the good, nerdy boy." Dean sighed and rubbed his hands across his eyes.

"He could have made worse decisions." Charlie said and looked at Cas as she did.

"What do you mean?" Dean looked back to Cas and Charlie, both were intently starring at each other but Cas was ready to kill her.

"That's in my past, Charlie." Castiel said coldly.

"Is your whole past just a few hours ago?" Charlie stepped closer to him. Dean's eyes went black, he turned them back. It's just Charlie, she's not going to hurt him.

"Shut up, please. We're not talking about this now or ever." Castiel walked to the fridge and took out a beer.

"We are getting back to this, I can promise that."

"Did I miss something important or...?"

"No, do you want a beer?" Castiel held a beer bottle in his hand and waved it around.

"Ah, sure." Castiel opened it for him and took a sip before handing it to Dean.

"Bringing back any memories?" Castiel asked with a smirk.

"You always do that because you know I don't like other people drinking my beer, but you are the only exception."

"Chick flick moment." Charlie sang, Dean and Cas smiled.

"What did I miss while I was away?" Dean propped himself up on the counter.

"Counter, off. Now."

"You love me too much to make me get off." Dean smirked; Castiel sighed.

"Well, Cas found that angel whore, I got a job. He bought a apartment and found a job that makes pretty good money. Sam became a drunk because you were gone. We always visited your grave. I grew a liking for peanut butter..." Charlie dug her spoon into the peanut butter jar.

"Anything else? Anything that you two just tried to hide-"

"Nope. Nothing." Castiel interrupted.

"Cas, you can't hide it from him forever and you know that. It's either you tell him or I do."

"You are not going to tell him and nor am I. Dean doesn't need to know."

"Hello! I'm still here!"

"Sorry Cas." Charlie smiled at him. "Cassie discovered the art of cutting."

"You what?!" Dean's eyes turned black. Castiel ran into the bedroom and locked the door.

"Don't kill him." Charlie whispered.

"You cut yourself now?! You made me promise to never do it again and I obviously haven't. You're a friggin angel, each time you do your Grace is being drained!" Dean tried twisting the doorknob.

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