Chapter 20

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I would like to say thank you to everybody who has supported me and stopped me from suicide two times this week :3 Means a lot since I never think of myself right, I'm like Dean I guess (^-^) Anyway, keep reading!


"Why Hawaii?" Gabriel asked.

"Because I want to go and Dean agreed. So are you coming with us or not?"

"Yeah, sure. I guess it won't hurt." Sam planted a kiss on his boyfriend's lips. "So when are we leaving?"

"In a hour. I'm going to pick up Dean's stuff and Gabriel will do the same with you. We're driving to the airport in Missouri because it's a lot better than the one here in Kansas." Sam nodded. Gabriel and Castiel zapped back to their houses and grabbed everything they could possibly need and grabbed their boyfriends needs. Castiel felt his phone vibrate before he was about to make his way back to the diner.


"Cas, about the flight to we have to take a plane?" Castiel could hear the nerves in Dean's voice.

"Ah yeah, how else would we get there? I'm not zapping us there and nor is Gabriel."

"But I don't like flying! Please!" Cas smiled.

"No, Dean. You'll be fine once we're in the air."

"Baby, please. I hate flying."

"We are flying there because I'm not wasting Grace just to get to Hawaii plus flying is fun so I'm leaving it there."

"Hurry up then, I want to get this over with."

"I almost there. I can hear the nerves in your voice, Dean."

"Shut up. Get your ass over here faster, I miss you." Castiel chuckled and hung up the phone; it vibrated again. Castiel pressed talk and put it up to his ear.

"Hey! Don't hang up on me!"

"I love you too, Dean." Castiel ended the call again and shoved it back into his jeans pocket. He was only about a mile away by now. He got closer and saw Dean standing by the door talking to his brother smiling and laughing. He turned around and saw Castiel using his phone.

"Casssssssss!" Dean ran up and jumped on Castiel wrapping his legs around his waist.

"Oh, well hi. I was gone for like fifteen minutes."

"And I wasn't with you. I have every reason to miss you. Let's go back to Sammy now." Dean wiggled his body trying to get Cas to move.

"I don't think I'm able to walk with you."

"You won't know unless you try." Dean pecked his boyfriend's lips and buried his face into his neck.

"You're such a assbutt." Castiel smiled as he began walking.

"I'll take that as a compliment. Gi'me the bag." Castiel shoved it into his hands and grabbed a hold of Dean's ass scooching him up further.

"Please tell me you won't be like this on the plane."

"Ask Sammy about our last trip on a plane and then you'll know."

"Where's the Impala?'"

"You already friggin' past it, Cas."

"Well I'm sorry I can't see over you!" Dean smiled against the fabric of Castiel's shirt.

"I love it when you're mad."

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