Chapter 15

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I'm listening to Beyonce (*.*)


"Ah, Cas...I'm pretty sure you can't here me but I'd really like to know where you are right now. I've been driving for a couple hours and I'm started to get tired so I'd really love it if you'd show up...somewhere." Dean went back to focusing all attention on the road and any object that looked like Castiel. 

"I'm not sure where I am myself." Castiel answered. 

"You can answer?! Okay, well, what do your surroundings look like?" Dean pulled over. 

"Trees, grass, more trees, and a couple rocks. Oh, and there's a couple dead bodies around me. I'm currently tied up to a tree." Dean sighed. 

"East, north, south, or west?" 

"Southeast, you should be able to see a fire by the way. I'd really love it if you would hurry though, it's getting closer.

"You are such a dumbass sometimes." Dean quickly pulled out and headed southeast.

"I'll take that as a compliment. I killed a couple angels but I don't know how. I looked at them and they just...died." Dean stayed silent for a minute. "Dean? Please answer me. I don't really enjoy being tied to a tree with fire edging closer to me all alone with no hope." Dean chuckled.

"I'd probably be the same. I'll stay and find you." Dean saw smoke coming from trees in the distance. 

"Thanks, I didn't think anyone would actually try to find me.

"All of us would come looking for you. Sammy and Gabe were talking about it before I woke up and left."

"Let me rephrase that: I didn't think any of you would care enough.

"Don't ever say that none of us care. I care about you more than anything and you know that, I'm coming for you and once this is all done I'm going to kiss the shit out of you because I remember everything now. I can see the fire, can you raise something up so I can see where you are?" 

"Nope, there's nothing surrounding me. You're gonna have to look for me. I'll yell but that's just about all I can do." Dean cursed in his head. "I can read your mind you know." Dean didn't reply, he just franctically looked at every tree. 

"Cas!" Dean yelled, he heard a muffling sound and then saw feet kicking. The fire had spread quickly across all of the trees and would reach Castiel any second. Dean ran over to Cas and bent down to untie the thick rope as quick as he could. A angel appeared in the distance with a demon blade in hand. "Shit! Shit! Shit! Let's go before I'm dead and you are too!" The angel zapped in front of them both and dug the blade into Dean's chest. Dean looked down at the blood rushing across his shirt; he fell to his knees. Castiel killed the angel and ran to Dean. 

"Dean! This is my fault, I'm so sorry. I think I can heal you..." Castiel tried but nothing happened except for Dean falling more into Cas' arms. Dean tried to say something but ended up with more blood flooding from his mouth. "I don't know what to do. I can't heal you. I'm not going to let you die, stay with me. Please!" Castiel held his hand over Dean's bleeding chest. "Please don't die." Castiel tried to cry but he couldn't. 

"Cas, d-don't worry about me." Dean's eyes started to go black and sparks going through his body. 

"No, you're not leaving me. Stay with me please, fight it. I'll get you back to the bunker and I can fix you. You fixed me so I'll fix you. I love you, Dean. Don't leave me." Dean's grip loosened and his body kept falling into Castiel's arms. 

"I love you. I h-have to go. You'll be okay; you'll be okay without me" Dean tried to smile but only managed a small one. 

"No, I won't be okay. I can't do anything without you. You can't leave me! I need you!" Castiel gripped Dean tighter into his chest. Dean's body fully relaxed and the sparks left, all that was left was a dead Dean. Castiel finally let the tears fly. He sat there with Dean in his arms and calmed the fire with his 'angel mojo'. The fire wrapped around Castiel and Dean forming a circle around them. 

"I love you." Castiel whispered into his ear. There was no response, not a move, not a word. Nothing. "You didn't deserve this, I did. I  deserve this. I'm so sorry. I love you. I don't know what to do. I can't do this without you." The fire around them completely died and Sam and Gabriel stood outside where it was. 

"Cas, come on. Let's go back." Sam touched his shoulder. 

"I'm not leaving him." Castiel said in-between sobs. 

"Castiel, we need to go. We can't stay here." Gabriel pulled him away from Dean's body.

"Let me go! I am not leaving him!" Cas tried to get out of Gabriel's grip. He gave up and fell into his brothers arms and cried. 

"I'm sorry, Cas. I know he didn't deserve this but we can't do anything about it now." 

"I love him, he can't leave me." 

"He wouldn't if he had the choice." 

"I need him. I did this to him, the angels took me and shoved my Grace back into me and I screwed it all up. I answered him when he prayed, if I didn't he wouldn't be dead. It's all my fault!" 

"It's not your fault, the angel who killed him is going to be killed by you and I. We are going to hunt him down and you can get all the anger you want out on him." Gabriel seated him in the back of the Impala. 

"Wait, can I hold him?" Sam nodded and laid Dean's head on Castiel's lap. His eyes were closed and he looked at peace, Castiel hated it. He didn't want to see him dead, he didn't want to see him like this with blood on his face from where Castiel touched him. Cas rubbed his hand through his hair and his thumb over his eye brow to wipe some blood away. 

"Are you going to be okay, Cas?" Castiel looked up from Dean's face to Sam's. His face was streaked with tears and his eyes were pink and puffy, Gabriel seemed to have no effect from Dean dying. 

"No, you?" Castiel sniffled and looked back to Dean. 

"No, I won't. He shouldn't have died. Of all people who deserved it it's the bastard that killed him! I can't see my brother dead like this, it's not right." Gabriel touched the wheel and it controlled it's self. Sam and Castiel cried all the way back to the bunker, Gabriel would wipe Sam's tears away but Castiel's would just run, Dean wasn't there to kiss them away. The thought made him cry more and harder. He rested his forehead on Dean's head and prayed to God, he knew he wouldn't answer but everything was worth a try. Anything to get Dean back; anything for Dean to be alive again. 


Dean's dead. The feels. I hate myself for it right now and especially for what is coming in the next couple of chapters. Don't hate me, please. I'm sitting on my bed crying myself so don't think I'm that cruel. Ilysm. xoxo

(Hate me?) 

{Instagram: @/jensens_got_da_boooty} 


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