Chapter 3

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Hell was easy to describe: fire, demons, Crowley. Dean, Sam, and Castiel had all been to hell; Cas saved Dean and Sammy. He doesn't want to go back to hell but if that's what it's going to take to get Dean to be a human again just like he wants, he's going to take the risk. He decided he would say his goodbyes to Sam for in case he doesn't make it back.

"Sam, I'm going to hell." Sammy quickly turned around.


"I'm going to hell." Castiel tilted his head not understanding what Sam didn't get about what he said.

"I mean why. Why are you going to hell?" Sam rolled his eyes but still was concerned.

"I have to make a deal with Crowley, I am going to do whatever it takes to make Dean a human again."

"That's stupid. You are not going to make a freaking deal with Crowley, you've seen what it did to Dean and I. I'm not letting you."

"I am going no matter what. I came to say goodbye to you." Cas patted his friends back.

"Shut up, there is no goodbye!" Sam moved away from Castiel.

"Tell Dean is said goodbye. I may or may not be back, I will see you soon hopefully." The sound of flapping wings went through the air and Sam pounded his fist against the table.

"Dammit, Cas!" Sam screamed.

"Sammy! What happened?" Dean stood in the doorway.

"Cas is going to hell."

"Are you fucking kidding me? No, no, no, no, no!"


Balthazar was waiting for Castiel in a sketchy town in a old building where no one would suspect the two to meet.

"Castiel, why hell?" Balthazar said with a smirk.

"To save a friend." Cas replied with no emotion.

"Oh, Dean Winchester right? Your...boyfriend?" The smirk he had on before became bigger.

Boyfriend? I wish.

"No, we are just friends. I don't think of him that way anyway."

"Don't be a fool, Cassie. I can read your mind, I know you think of him more than as a friend. Why else would you sacrifice yourself for a broken hunter that has killed your kind?"

"Because he needs to be saved, Balthazar. That's all, now get me to hell." Castiel didn't smile, yes he did think of Dean as more than a friend but can a angel be with a demon? Who's to say if Dean thinks of him the same? He did almost kill him, is that love?

"Itching to go to hell?"

"Not really, please, let's just get this over with." Castiel looked down to his feet. He looked back up and saw Dean where Balthazar was standing.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" It was Dean's rough voice.

"Dean?" Cas called out with hope in his voice.

"Yeah, I don't want you to go. You don't need to go." Dean stepped forward but Castiel stepped back.

"I have to, it's what you want. The only way for you to be human is for me to make a deal." Castiel backed himself up against the wall, Dean came closer.

"You don't understand, Cas. I love you too much to see you go down in hell and die all because of one man!" Dean's face was close enough to Castiel's that if he leaned in more their foreheads would be touching.

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