Chapter 11

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Please read A/N!


No smut in this very sorry. I don't know if I'm going to be doing any smut at all. Alrighty, go back to reading!


"Dean! Castiel! Wake up idiotic love birds!" A female voice yelled at them. There was a choking feeling and they both shot their eyes open.

"N-Naomi?" Castiel questioned. The red headed lady scowled at him.

"Yes, faggot. Now get up." Naomi pushed Castiel up against the wall without much force.

"I-I'm not a faggot, bitch!" Cas choked out, the grip became stronger. Dean lunged forward at Naomi but was pushed back by some angel force.

"Never call me that again. You should know better after having been a angel for thousands of years." Naomi spat, she literally spit in his face. Dean, in the meantime, was still being forced up against a wall as he held on to his neck.

"Let him go, he's done nothing to you."

"It just makes it all the better if he's here." Naomi smirked as she spoke.

"What do you want?" Castiel stated more than asked rudely.

"Just to make sure Dean's doing okay with being a demon and you no longer being a angel." Naomi bragged which made Castiel all the more mad.

"I'm still a angel." Cas spoke but the grip Naomi had on him became tighter around his throat.

"Is that so? Last I checked I managed to make a deal with Crowley so you would be powerless and no longer bring Heaven down to hell." Naomi's face became bright red with anger.

"I'm Dean's angel, bitch!" Castiel choked out the last words with one long breath. Naomi smacked him and kneed him in the gut.

"Dean's angel?" Naomi's evil laughter rang through their ears. "Dean's a pathetic demon, idiot. Oh, so you haven't told him about you know what?" Naomi's face went back to the powdered concealer paleness.

"What?" Castiel scrunched his eyebrows.

"Your...affair I guess you could call it. While Dean locked himself up, I can't exactly remember their name but oh was it good hearing you moan their name as you screamed in pleasure knowing that Dean would be hurt for it. That he deserved as much pain as he was putting you through. You thought you could keep it a secret, right? That you could sneak out tonight and do it all again? I'm a angel you son of a bitch. I know everything!" Naomi loosened her grip on Cas; he dropped to the floor with a thud.

"Affair? What a affair? I haven't been anywhere out of the bunker?" He saw Dean in the corner of his eyes completely furious. His eyes were black and ready to kill just by looking into Cas' eyes.

"You had a affair? So I'm not good enough now? I gave everything for you! Everything! This is how you treat me back! You son of a bitch! I loved you!" Dean planted Castiel against the wall again.

"Go ahead, Dean. Do what the demon wants. Kill him, he deserves hell. I'll be back to make sure you have completed it. Make sure it's slow and agonizing though, stab him a few times. You know the drill, be a good boy Dean." Naomi left. The two men alone in the bedroom, one beyond pissed.

"Dean, I didn't have a affair. I swear. Naomi is just telling her lies again." Castiel tried to reason with him.

"Don't lie to me! You did! I hope whatever guy you did it with enjoyed every second. Not every guy can fit in his shoes." Dean's eyes were somewhat oddly turning Cas on.

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