Chapter 17

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I've been on a suicide rage and I'm trying to distract myself so please excuse my shitty writing.

Dean was in Heaven, of all the places he expected to ended up in. It was Bobby's house, he always had the best memories in Bobby's place.

"Bobby? Ellen?" Dean called out but no one answered. "That's great, I'm all alone in my Heaven." Dean sighed to himself.

"Enjoying Heaven?"

"Chuck? What are you doing here?" Dean narrowed his eyes on his old friend.

"I'm checking up on you." Chuck smiled.


"Because I always check up on everyone. Just like how I checked up on Castiel. It took you a little longer than I expected to get you here, you wouldn't let go of life for anything." Chuck chuckled to himself.

"What are you God or something?"

"Precisely. Do you need anything?" Dean's eyes widened.

"You're God? Like the God Almighty can-perform-any-miracle-king-of-everything-God?"

"Yes, I'm the God you hear about in the Bible."

"Can I go back now?" Chucks smile faded.

"I'm afraid not, Dean."

"What? No. I promised Cas-"

"Castiel is doing fine. He has a girlfriend and has a apartment in Kansas, he's doing alright." Chuck licked two fingers and turned the page of the magazine 'Busty Asian Beauty's'.

"He has as girlfriend? I've only been gone a few hours!"

"It's been a little over a year, Dean. He's found a girl and moved on."

"Put me back on Earth! I need to get him back!"

"I can't just put you back. Once you're dead your dead." Chucks eyes widened as he looked at one of the pictures.

"No, you are going to get me back on Earth. I'm going to stay with him so I can kiss the shit out of him like I promised before one of your angels killed me. I was trying to save Cas, a angel. Your son." Dean pointed a finger at Chuck but lowered it to his side.

"It's not that simple."

"Does it look like I care? 'Cause I don't. I'm willing to anything to get back to him. Tell me and I-I'll do it."


"Please Chuck, I mean God. I need Cas."

"I have to keep you here. I can't have a demon roaming on the earth loving my own son. I can't let that happen."

"Please! I can control myself, I have ever since Cas and I became a thing. Please trust me, I love him too much to be stuck up in here where it isn't my Heaven if Castiel isn't up here with me. Trust me on this one, please."

"But I can't have a demon and angel together."

"What harm is it going to do to anything?!"

"If something goes wrong it will just ruin everything, you and him won't be careful enough."

"Is this about sex or something? I'll use protection if that's what you're hinting around." Chuck laughed.

"No, well yes and no. It's just too risky."

"Take the risk! Please! This isn't my Heaven if my angel isn't with me!" Dean was begging which he doesn't do.

"Why are the Winchesters so hard." Chuck said under his breath. "You have to swear to be careful, that means no turning him into a demon or suddenly killing him off. You have to protect him from the demons you will be attracting, he'll have to do the same with you. Please be careful, you have no idea how big of a risk I'm taking." Dean smiled and hugged Chuck. Dean was on Earth before he knew it.

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