Chapter 12

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So I guess Chapter 11 is locked so only my followers can read it...I don't know. Soooo yeah. Enjoy!

Dean woke up with his head pounding and completely naked. He turned around and saw his beautiful angel snuggled up against his chest. Dean felt his stomach twist and a tickling making him sneeze.

"Dean?" Castiel's eyes weakly opened.

"Sorry, go back to sleep." Winchester kissed his boyfriends forehead.

"I can't go back to sleep now." Castiel whined with a smile.

"Are we both naked?"

"Why don't you check?" Castiel asked with a devious smirk.

"Why, do you want me too? You check me and I'll check you." Cas rubbed his palm against Dean's member, he gained a moan from the bigger mans mouth. Dean hovered himself over Castiel and brushed his dick against his.

"Yep, we should probably get dressed though."

"But I don't want to get up!" Dean chuckled at how adorable Castiel is when he whined.

"But I'm hungry, plus it's really hot under here."

"I'm sorry, I just can't always control my sexiness." Dean laughed and kissed Cas' hair.

"Mhmm...I know. Alright, get up." Dean pushed Castiel's arm.

"Let's just stay here all day so we can wrap up and cuddle and whisper sexy things into each other's ears and make out and just be together." Dean smiled and narrowed his eyes.

"What's the real reason?" Dean asked through a smirk.

"I don't want to walk, my body aches thanks to you." Cas grunted as he sat up on the bed.

"Sorry not sorry!" Dean tackled Cas on the floor, the two laughed as Castiel tried to get Dean off of him.

"Get off! You said yourself that we need to get dressed!" Dean licked up his neck, "Oh, fuck. Dean-"

"Now I know how to get you to obey." Cas moaned when Dean sucked on his collar-bone, "I don't want to get dressed just yet."

"Shut up, Dean. Get off." Castiel gasped as Dean kissed behind his ear.

"Sweet spot?" Dean smirked and licked behind his ear.

"Mmm...stop. Come on, we're both naked. What happens when Sam walks in?" Castiel pushed on his boyfriends toned chest.

"Doors locked." Dean began to straddle him; he wrapped his arms around Cas' neck and pulled him forward with a rough kiss.

"Oh fuck..." Cas moaned.

"Fuck?" Dean questioned with a smirk.

"No, no. Stop. Please, I can't do this right now." Castiel begged.

"Promise we'll get back to it?" Dean buried his face in Cas' neck and gave him a few kisses still straddling him.

"Yes, yes. I promise." Dean kissed him one last time before getting up and grabbing his jeans on the other side of the room.

"We made quite a mess last night, or should I say you." Dean smiled and so did Cas.

"I was desperate, okay? You're the one who demanded me to! Where's my sweat pants? Or jeans, whatever I was wearing." Castiel finished pulling up his boxers.

"Right here." Dean threw a pair of skinny jeans to Cas, "We're gonna need a shower, we both probably still smell like sweat and sex." Dean zipped up his jeans.

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