Chapter 34

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A month passed since Cas went into a coma. Dean would visit everyday and watch his lifeless boyfriend just lay there...never moving...always breathing. Dean didn't want to believe that Castiel would try to harm himself, who would ever want to harm such a glorious creature?

Today is exactly one month. December 25, 2014. Dean didn't mind spending Christmas at the hospital, he's at least with Cas. Maybe that Christmas miracle shit is true.

Dean rubbed his thumb over Castiel's eyebrow. He missed seeing those bright blue eyes look at him, those perfect lips latching on to his.

Castiel's infection is still there, smaller and less dangerous but it's there. Dr. Smith isn't at the hospital, nor is Maria so Dean is stuck by himself. Gabriel and Sam are spending Christmas together, damn, was Dean jealous. But Castiel is his priority, not some made up Santa Claus day.

The machines beeped and the only other sound is Dean's heavy breathing. Dean hadn't cried for the past couple of days, he knew it wouldn't wake Castiel up. He would talk to him, tell him how much he misses him, how he loves him to death. But no response, not a slight movement other than his chest moving up and down in steady breathes.

Christmas is stupid anyway, who needs it. All I need is Cas, he can be my Christmas.


Castiel! Cas, baby, please wake up. I miss you, I need you. This Christmas sucks, will you wake up? I have a surprise for when you do...I had it ready before you slipped into this damn coma shit. Please baby, please wake up.

Dean's voice rang through Castiel's head. He has been scratching at the surface for what seems like a millennium but with no luck. He feels like he's stuck in a coffin that's buried all the way to hell. Dean's face is fading, bits and pieces Castiel can't remember. His throat is dry and his lungs gave up long ago. He's clawing at the wood and kicking desperately but something's on top of him, not just dirt.

I love you, Cas. I love you so damn much but you won't wake up. I've been waiting and I just don't want to anymore. Please wake up...please.

Castiel tired to scream but it only came out as wheezing. He clawed at the wood but had no success. Dirt fell in-between the cracks and fell upon his dirty, sweaty, flushed face.

I just love you, Cas. I love you so much and it's stupid. Just please...come back!

Another day of failing Dean.


"Merry Christmas, Gabe" Sam gave his boyfriend a light kiss.

Gabriel smiled into the kiss and searched behind him, finding what he was looking for, "I love you Samsquatch."

"I love you too."

Gabriel suddenly stood up, breaking their kiss. Sam looked at him questioning. Gabe smirked and ran into their bedroom to two moose ears.

"Gabe, what the hell are you doing?" Sam asked, mixed with laughter. Gabriel then put a red nose on. "I think you're getting mixed up. Rudolph has the red nose, not a moose."

Gabriel chuckled, throwing a pair of ears at Sam.

"Here, you have to wear these."

Sam rolled his eyes, "I'm not putting these on."

"Hey, I'm wearing them you have to! In not even the moose!"

Sammy groaned, putting on the ears. "I feel ridiculous."

Gabriel wrapped his arms around Sam's waist, "Is the moose unamoosed?"


Dean sat in the same chair, still talking to Castiel. He had been crying, it felt somewhat refreshing.

"Merry Christmas, Cas."

What Dean didn't know is that from underneath the deep sleep and the slow breathing, Castiel was saying Merry Christmas too

"I hope your in some good place, not here with all of these evil sons of bitches." Dean chuckled to himself, feeling a deep hole being dug while doing so, "Ya know, I really miss you. I...I still have your surprise - I'm still waiting for when you wake up. I promise you'll love it. What's it gonna take to get you back here? Back with I can hold you and-and be with you...alive."

Castiel pounded harder against the wood of his dreadful coffin, nothing happened other than his drained screams fading more and more. Castiel gave up, his head hitting the hard wood with a painful bang. He murmured "I love you" not knowing what else he could say.

Dean somehow felt like Castiel said it, like he could hear him.

"I love you too."


Gabriel pulled apart from their heated kiss, pulling something out of his pocket. He leaned back into Sam, their lips on brushing against each other.

"Marry me, Sammy." Gabriel whispered against his lips.

"W-What?" Sam pulled back, completely surprised.

"I love you Samwhich and I want to be with you for the rest of your miserable life."

Sam chuckled at Gabriel's way of describing his life, "It isn't miserable, I have you."

"Quit sucking up and just accept." Gabriel dived in for a hard kiss, slipping the ring on Sam's finger in the process.

"I guess I have to accept now."

Gabriel chuckled against Sam's lips, "Yea, you do."




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