Chapter 21

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Sorry, I have to republish it so it's not locked (~_~) Too much cussing I guess. 


"You suck at describing how you do things." Dean threw himself on to one of the two king-sized beds.

"I'm a angel, I don't have to describe."

"That had nothing to do with anything." Castiel let out a smile.

"I know." Dean chuckled and rolled to his side.

"I'm going to get changed." Dean walked to the giant bathroom and closed the door.

"Can I use the bathroom while you do?"

"I don't care!" Dean yelled through the door. Castiel entered into the bathroom to see Dean in his boxers.

"Perfect timing when I have to take a call and have to pee more than anything." Dean quickly fished out Cas' phone.

"I'll help you and you talk on the phone."


"No arguments!" Castiel sighed and Dean held the cell phone to his ear.


"Hello Castiel my dear!"

"Not in the mood, Crowley. I'm currently on vacation and not going to deal with your shit." Dean kissed his neck and unbottoned his pants.

"I'm not going to mess with you I just wanted to see how you're holding up with Dean being gone. I haven't seen you for a year, I at least deserve a nice greeting." Castiel let out a gasp as Dean grabbed his dick with both hands and continued kissing the small of his neck.

"You don't deserve anything from me. You took Dean away from me and I hate you for that."

"Are you sure Dean isn't there? That gasp you just let out is giving me a hint that he is. Or did you finally move on?"

"I didn't say he wasn't here. God can have his generous times."

"Let's be honest, God isn't there for anyone. But, if that's what you believe then I'll play along. Hello Dean my darling!" Dean buttoned Cas' jeans.

"Bye, Crowley." Dean took the phone from Castiel's hand and hung up.

"He's such a dick." Castiel whispered.

"I can't agree anymore with that." Dean lightly pecked at Castiel's lips.

"I'm going to get changed now..." Dean smirked and walked out of the bathroom. Castiel joined Dean after changing and Sam and Gabe crashed with them at the beach.


"I love it here, Dean." Castiel rolled on to his side and rested his hand on Dean's chest drawing circles on his skin with his thumb.

"Me too. It's always warm, ocean water, no work, and you're here. It can't get any better than this."

"Let's go swim, we've been laying here for a hour." Cas sat up.

"But I was comfortable!"

"But I want to actually go into the ocean!" Dean gave in and gave Cas a piggy-back-ride into the water.

"I really want to kiss you." Castiel rested his chin on Dean's head.

"Then do it, I sure ain't stoppin' you."

"People don't like homosexuals, I don't want anything bad to happen." Castiel wiped his hand across the side of Dean's face.

"Cas, it's the twenty-first century, nobody gives a fuck anymore."

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