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The house is small and narrow, surrounded by fire and The South guards. The town is smeared with blood and heavy smoke rings from the burning buildings. Screams still filter through the city but most have cowered into hiding.
She walks down the aisle of guards towards the knocked down wooden door and past the poisoned ferns and rotten grass. The inside of the house bears similar resemblance to the rest of the damned town, trashed and disregarded. The floorboards are creaky and gives alarm to the owners, although it won't help them.
She rounds the corner into a lounge room and her eyes instantly land on her prey.
A man, the father, with a rugged beard and sullen eyes guarding his family and those who dared to harbor them. Other pale faces, struck with dried tears and bruises keep their heads low and indistinguishable. "Bring her to me." Her voice whispered to the guards in the room and although the terrified people didn't hear her, they knew what she said once two guards start moving towards them. They yell and beg and back up to get as far away from the predators as possible. But it is pointless for they can't hide or prolong the inevitable.
The guard easily pushes the father out of the way and another holds his thrashing body back. The guard continues to grab the arm of a girl, perhaps 17 years of age with long brown hair and shaking hands forward. She wears long grey pants and a long sleeve shirt compared to the other girls whom wear woollen dresses.
The guard brings the brunette to her and keeps a firm arm on her struggling body.
"Stop." She grabs her cheeks and holds her face still so her eyes are forced to meet hers. Her eyes shift from their vibrant green a majestic purple, but it was not majestic to those who knew of the terror her eyes hold. "Reveal yourself."
The girl whimpers and struggles in the arms of her captors once more. Her eyes shine an overly bright blue and her viens glow under her pale skin.
Her lips twitch into a smirk and she releases her face. She hold her hand out to one of the guards whom places a cold silver sword handle in her palm. The family start screeching and begging, pushing against the bodies of the guards in attempt to save this girls life. Pathetic. She lifts the sword and with one quick swing, slices the girls head off and watches it crumple to the ground.

Adrianna screeched awake, her eyes snapping open, shining the same purple. Her chest was rapidly rising and falling with heavy breaths that rose to hyperventilation. She was on her feet, at least she thought she was. She couldn't hear, she couldn't understand what was happening, what has happened. She could only hear the screams of that family, see the blood pouring from every one of their bodies and the head of that girl lying on the floor with desolate eyes.

"Adrianna!" Someone roared, the sound breaking through the hysteria and voices and stilling her body.
Her eyes moved up to chocolate brown ones and she became aware of hands on her shoulders. The worried expression of Scott McCall seeped through her mind yet she still couldn't remember why he was here, or even where here was.

"Scott?" Her voice was hoarse and quiet.

Scotts eyes surveyed her reaction before slowly nodding. "Yeah. Yeah, it's me."

"What--" Adrianna's eyes moved to Stiles and Allison in the background of the room, her bedroom she now realised it to be. She looked back to Scott. "What happened?"

Scott sighed and realised his firm grip on her shoulders. He took a step back, his hand rubbing nervously at the back of his neck. He glanced at the others behind him.

Adrianna looked between them, her patience wearing down like a drained battery. She couldn't remember anything after Jennifer's death, after Deucalion swiped his claws across her throat and they watched her bleed out.
Her head hurt, her pulse throbbed. "What happened?"

Stiles stepped forwards, for once, not rambling or being hyperactive, not wanting to know everything she was feeling. "What do you remember?"

Adrianna looked down, her eyebrows pulling together in deep thought as she dug at her brain. Yes, the distillery, the lunar eclipse, Deucalion gained his sight back, Scott broke through the barrier of Mountain Ash, Deucalion killed Jennifer and then it goes blank, utterly black. Bits of feelings break through, pain, memories but no images. She looked back up the their patient eyes. "Deucalion killed Jennifer."

Stiles slowly nodded, "And . . . ."

"And then nothing. It--I can't--" Adrianna took in a deep breath. "What happened?"

Stiles sighed and he, Allison and Scott exchanged glances. Silence filled the room for many moments whist they silently discussed whatever they were discussing and it drove Adrianna mad. She slammed her hand against the wall, the purple energy radiating off it and causing the house to shake. "What the hell happened!"

The trio snapped their eyes to her, confusion, pity, shock, mountains of emotions passed through them at her reaction.

Adrianna stepped back, "I'm sorry. I don't--I'm sorry." She slid down the wall, her shaking hands wrapping around her legs and pulling them to her chest. She felt different, angrier, agressive. She felt a  pump inside of her that builds up seconds of anger and has no choice but to release it. She's never felt this before. "What happened to me?"

Scott moved over to the others and they spoke for a few moments, quiet voices until the two heaviest footsteps left the room.

Allison padded across the carpeted floor towards her and sat down against the wall. She pulled in a small, confident breath to gather her thoughts. "Adrianna, after Deucalion bit you—" She chewed on her bottom lip, obviously not knowing how to say this. "You died."

Adrianna felt her heart stop, yet she wasn't surprised, slightly shocked perhaps but nothing more. She'd somewhat concluded that answer as the only explanation for her missing time although it seemed crazy to admit. "I died."

Allison slowly nodded, trying to gauge her cousins reaction. She was taking this more calmly than they had assumed she would, although she might not once she hears the full story that she had gathered in her research.

"For how long?"

Allison counted her days back a bit, "Three and a half weeks."

Adrianna slowly nodded, her grip tightening around her legs. Her mind was brimming with questions, she felt hot and crowded and way too energetic. She tried to keep her breathing calm and focus her eyes on the bed frame. "How am I . . . . alive?"

Allison crosses her legs beneath her and started fiddling with her hands. "Well, i did some research and—"


Allison nodded stiffly, "Yes." She left out the part about Marissa giving her the information, she didn't need to have to handle that right now. "In 1602, there was one of the only documentations of the witch, you. The transcript explained that she got bitten by an alpha werewolf and died, similar to you, except she didn't wake for a couple of months. When she did, she found she had the abilities of the werewolf morphed into her witch abilities. The abilities faded as each new witch was born but the gene carried on and allowed any future witch to survive the bite of the wolf." Allison pulled her lips into a tight line and stared ahead of her, waiting for a reaction, any reaction.
It was silent for too long, and she could practically feel the anger and hate sizzling in her. She slowly turned to look at Adrianna.

Adrianna didn't know what to say, she didn't want to say anything because all she felt was anger, and absolute hate. She was a werewolf too, or a mutated version. Not only does she have to bear with her natural abilities that have killed innocents, she has to deal with an uncontrollable beast.
She felt hot and her breathing started to rapidly increase.
Before she did or said something that would hurt Allison, she teleported from the apartment.



( edited )
welcome to the second book in the Adrianna Argent series, i hope you all like this book as much as the first one because personally, this is my favourite. this book also dives in to the mystery of Adrianna's past as well as my favourite part of Teen Wolf, the nogistune.
like the other book, this book is going under editing because i am unhappy with my writing and the way the plot went because it didn't go the way i envisioned it to.
anyways, hope you enjoy.


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