91. Chipotle Is My Life

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Yo so I've been working on a new fanfic and I've been prewriting chapters, but I'm wondering if you guys would want me to post it while I'm working on this story, or wait until this story is over? There's probably like 30-ish part to this fanfiction, so lemme know :)

We hang out with Shane and everyone a bit longer, eating Chipotle and messing around. Even after the emotional ending the us filming today, our mood is able to be turned around in less than five minutes. However, this is only day one, and I can't even process how much more intense it's going to get throughout the week.

As it starts getting late, Dan and I decide to head out. After a few goodbyes and hugs, we're out the door and into an Uber, and Dan gives the address of our hotel to the driver. I stare out the window, still mesmerized by the fact that it's eight in the afternoon, and the suns still visible.

Not long later we're finally back at the hotel, Dan paying the driver as I step out of the car, grabbing my bag and shutting the door behind me. I'm suddenly doused in exhaustion, and Dan wraps his arm around me as we head into the building. i stare stupidly out the window of the elevator, until we finally get to our floor, and Dan leads us to our room. As we step in, I drop my bag on the floor, and belly flop onto the mattress, sinking into the marshmallowy cushion. I let out a sigh of relief, wanting nothing more than to fall into the warm, cozy abyss of sleep.

Dan lets out a chuckle behind me, and his weight as he class onto the bed nearly launches me into the air. I let out a low moan, pulling my phone out of my pocket and scooting up to the top of the bed. Dan sits up against the headboard, and I rest my head on his shoulder as I scroll through my phone.I realize I've barely even touched it since yesterday, and have a billion notifications.


Hey! How has LA been? Or more importantly, how is shane dawson??

Hey! Both shane and LA have been amazing! A little sunny for my taste, but I'm sure I can get over it soon

Lol, I'm sure a little sun can do you and Dan both good. Just don't get too used of LA culture, I don't think I could handle that 

Lmao, I think I'm the last person you'd have to worry about that with. Dan and I will always be pessimistic trash, at least, on the inside

Good, thats the Dan and (y/n) that I love. 

I smile at my screen, before a new text pops up on my phone, this time from Macy. My heart begins to race as I wonder what the bloody hell it could be about, especially since I haven't really talked to her since I got out of the hospital.

Hey, I know it's late, but can we meet up, even if it's in the morning? I have something to tell you, and don't want to say it over text. I get it if you don't want to come all the way over here, but we can meet up somewhere

Um, do you think we could call? I'd meet up with you somewhere, but I'm actually currently in Los Angeles right now.

Omfg I'm not even going to question that, but yeah, call me.

I glance at Dan, before stepping out of the bed and pulling up Macy's contact on my phone. Dan looks at me, but I just motion to my phone, pressing the call button and putting my phone to my ear. I walk out into the hallway, not wanting Dan to see my initial reaction to whatever she has to tell me. He's already done a lot to me, and I don't want to stress him out. As I close the door behind me, Macy answers the call.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask as casually as I can, bracing myself for her tone. I know however she answers will tell me the severity of what she has to say. Instead of answering, however, she just blurts out what she has to tell me.

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