Supplication... Shameful Act of A Christian

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Supplication... Shameful Act of A Christian

Wow! You will say. I know, even I am amazed of the term when I found out about the shameful things ever made by us every time we do praying and supplication.

Supplication is different but actually just almost the same as praying, only that in supplication it is intended for someone from the person who is doing a prayer and sending it to The One Who Hears all, the Father in Heaven.

John 16:23 And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.

John 16:‬25 KJV These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father.

That verse John 16:23 is in so much used by all. During the 1800 and up to this day we're using it - in a wrong way.

The Lord gives His disciples something to use to make them aware of their status that they cannot do anything without Him, the Lord Jesus, the God in a human body. Because they treat Him as a friend and Master, not more than any man. Every time He speaks to them about his leaving or going to the Father they do not understand it. All they know that He is speaking about something parable. They are not aware of the incoming circumstances in their life. If you are going to read the whole chapter it talks about the farewell and entrusting. They are sad, but The Lord said "a little while" that means not in a longer time or year. Understand their situation in that time, a dear friend is so much lost especially that The Lord did many things that cannot be done by a normal man. Although they know Him as someone from above "sent by the Father" a divine being their understanding still little about Him and His mission. Too many incident in all the chapters of the New Testament shows how the disciple of God are too little to understand the whole situation going on. And because they are the one in the happening, they can't see in overview.

From that verse, to the following verses it explain the things to come. First in Mystery and second in Plainly Father love.

Now, because I knew the verse, if not because I alone knew it but because I have this emptiness in me that only the Father in Heaven can fill - I found the hidden treasure in this world. Now a physical treasure that can be seen by our human eyes and in the next life, a living life it is more clearer than this. That treasure is a book written during the time 1870's, all about the true meaning of the life of The Lord in our earth. It is called the Sermon of The Lord. The bible is not a simple book of what you think and not alone an important verses to remember but a story of every believer's (christian) life. And we do not live according to it. But, at some point God tries to put us in that life in the sense of removing the obstacles we built in our way. Yes, we are the one building the obstacles not anyone around us.

Do you pray? Yes, is your answer. And by that prayer you think you received it. Because you have faith. Right, isn't it? Because it was taught in school and by the church even our parents do it for their children. If you are a parent of a child, in his life you wish too many good things, for him to have a healthy life, to finish his study and later on find a job, to wish for them to become famous, to become someday a millionaire, to possess a high position in the job, to marry a beautiful wife and a husband. Even a person to wish for a boyfriend or a girlfriend during their teen life. So many things to list down for you ti understand that all of that things cannot be done by The Lord, the God, because He is Spirit. He do not live in this earth. Why not you do it your own, I'm sure people understand the common proverb of this generation, "I can do whatever I want in my life", "this is my life" and so many other taglines we invented. It really shows how you live for your life, not according to spirit life but worldly life. I say, do not be offended by these. It is what it showing wherever we look. Can you find anyone next to you or near around you that wishes for someone's spiritual awareness? Surely no, it's in their head and only God can identify them.

That's what I learned from this book I am speaking about. And God also confirmed to me that I do the same thing that is so shameful.

I have had also a dream pertaining to this kind of prayer/supplication I made to someone and to myself. I hear myself or my conscience speaks "just like a child". I knew it talks about the prayer I made. The heart confirms it by tugging. (I say, heart attack is not a cardio failure, only it is a tugging of The Lord but because the person who was tugged went in too critical condition and sometimes end up dying they consider it a sickness. He is guilty of life he chose. And unwilling to surrender their life to God. They are being called too many times but never to like to answer instead to live according to their prepared life. Do not forget that how old a man can be is still a child to God's eye. How much sin you accumulated still you will be forgiven IF you response to His call.) And last night too He confirms it to me that I have done this shameful act in supplication and prayer. By this, I plan to change my prayer. The Our Father is a pattern, but only few new the meaning of it.

And also, do not forget the word of Peter Simon, "Away with me Lord for I am not worthy." He was also a strong example of true christian faith. He who knows how unworthy he is to be a servant of The Lord but The Lord chose him to be the Rock of all Christianity. On the other side of the story of Christianity, it became a pagan worshipper. But it was all in plan by The Lord. Nothing He do is an error but a lesson should people to think and meditate in times they thought they are being put to confusion. Say, confusion is made by demon, not exactly, it's a thought of everyone that makes demon attracted to. All bad thoughts they are feeding. They made themselves specialized of this things.

Do not elevate yourself like Satan did to himself. It is pride.

Always put yourself unworthy one. God will tell you when to put away that unworthiness. Every error needs confession or acceptance in oneself.

Now, change your way of praying or supplication. Do not ask like a child, work for it if you want something material. And start living spiritual by doing spiritual thing. Spiritual thing is what we here for. We are in a large school of training how to become a children of God. The chosen children of God in a million planets he created and a billion beings he created both visible and invisible. We are here to be trained to live like Him. That one day you will be also to be called "Lord" of your speciality. If we practise the important two commandments of love, of God, we may passed as true children of God. We are all spiritual being in a material body that soon to become like what The Lord Jesus become after resurrection. That is called a visible spirit or a soul. The true life afar from this temporal life.

This is what I can share from my new knowledge and understanding. Hoping you too may accumulate true spiritual understanding and not worldly understanding only.

May God Bless you as you read and reread it. And read His Word diligently. Amen.

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