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There once was a tale of a girl who traveled among the stars. She was brave and caring and never left her friends alone until there was one day where she had no choice. She had to be scared and selfish and leave everything behind to save the ones she loved. Nothing could stop her. However, before we get to that part of the story, there was a story about another girl. This girl was given a gift in her infancy. She was given the gift to hear the world and all its secrets. She was as old as time itself, and there was a rumor that she couldn't ever die, and up until a very important day, she had no idea of the truth of her gift and the knowledge that it held.

This girl was me.

I always believed in fairy tales and this was the wonderful story that my mother always told me. When I was younger, I always thought that I would run away and travel the stars like the story said. I always thought that I had lived till the beginning of time and that I just didn't remember. My dreams took me away to this magical world where all these things were true and where nothing was impossible. But when my mother died, the fairy tales stopped, and so did my faith in them.

My father loved my mother more than anything, but that didn't stop him from marrying again only a year later. He couldn't stand the loneliness of having no one to talk to about his problems. With me, he tried, but that never went so well, so a year later, he remarried.

At first, I wasn't happy about it. I was only eight years old and thought that no one could live up to the perfection of my mother. Sure, Dee-Dee wasn't perfect, but she was as close as you could get to a wonderful stepmother. Sure, she had her faults (and there were many) but Dee-Dee was kind, sassy and full of anger, but kind.

For my tenth birthday, I wished for a brother. I didn't ever think I would get one, but I kept my wish a secret, as I always did, so I wouldn't jinx it. My dad and Dee-Dee took me out for a special birthday dinner where I blew out my candles with a child-like faith that I once had. It was then that the real miracle happened. The next day, Dee-Dee announced that she was having a baby. Six months later, little Reid Wood was born with bright brown eyes and pink skin that just about glowed. He was deformed at first, and wasn't expected to live, but to me he was perfect.

In the ten years living with my family before I went off to college, Reid became my best friend. We did everything together. We ate, played, walked, sang, read, and most nights (without our parents consent), even slept in the same room together. When I did turn eighteen and left to England for college where I'd always wanted to go, Reid was heart broken, and so was I. He was eight and small enough to fit into my suitcase, so that was our plan. Sadly, Dad found out and made him stay. He waved me off at the airport and I promised that I would come back with an English accent.

Through all the hustle and bustle in my life, I never once had forgotten those tales that my mother used to tell me. When in college, I went into an English major and ended up writing a book that I called Shooting Star. It was inspirational to everyone I showed it to. My friends and those who I showed it to asked why I never published it. I always told them that it wasn't finished, but I knew that wasn't true. It had a beginning, a middle and an end. It was complete from start to finish, but there was something missing. Based off my mother's stories, the character was more alone than I remembered her being. There were no loved ones, no one who she cared about. She was traveling among the stars with no one at all. She was saving the world alone. The question was: After all those people she had saved, who was going to save her?

I couldn't come up with a single thing. There was no one that I could possibly think of that was perfect enough to save the character that so hopelessly needed someone to care for. So, I never published the book.

But this isn't the end of my story. The story of how a girl so brave and so caring who left her friends without a choice so she could save the world, that is my story. My story is the reason Shooting Star came to be. This is where it all began, where loneliness became love and love became hope. This is my story. A story that starts with a single word. Doctor.


Yes, I know, I did rewrite this, but it's the same story, just with a different way that she found the Doctor. Also, the world doesn't talk to her as much, but it's still the same story, I promise. It's just edited.

Anyways, if you didn't read my first rendition, how do you like this way so far? If you did, what changes do you like? What do you not like? For everyone, is there anything that I could do better? If so, comment below, I would like to here your opinions, and I'm not afraid of taking criticism, just don't be a hater. If you are, you shouldn't be reading this.

Well, that's it. I'll have the next part up soon!

Peace out


Word Count : 974

Shooting Star // Eternalian Chronicles Book 1Where stories live. Discover now