13) .Victory of the Otherworldly.

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.Victory of the Daleks.

~Catherine Wood~

"Get back all of you, now!" The Doctor called before grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the Dalek. 

I held on to Reid's hand, dragging him along as well. I quickly pushed him behind me, not wanting him to be a target for the Dalek's next attack.

"Marines!" Churchill cried. "Marines, get in here!" 

Two soldiers came charging in the lab, guns at the ready. Immediately, they were struck down by the Dalek. Only their dust remained. I would have told Reid to run, but there wouldn't be anything blocking him from the shots. 

"Stop it, stop it, please," Dr. Bracewell begged. "What are you doing? You are my Ironsides." 

The Dalek shook, almost as if it were laughing. "We are the Daleks."

"But I created you," Dr. Bracewell said, clearly confused. 


The Dalek fired another shot and it hit Dr. Bracewell's hand, shooting it clean off. Both Amelia and I screamed and I rushed over to the doctor who had collapsed into a nearby chair, looking horrified at his hand. The Doctor took my previous position, standing in front of Reid. He really had meant what he said. Reid was not going to die on his watch. 

"We created you," the Dalek shouted, or what have might been a shout. 

Indeed, Dr. Bracewell's hand, instead of emitting blood, emitted wires that sprung out at odd angles and were sparking. I knelt beside him, and picked up his hand. A soft shock hit me, and it wouldn't usually effect me, but something familiar was happening. My vision darkened and when I blinked, I was somewhere else. Somewhere that I remembered.


 Tall glorious buildings surrounded me, almost enclosing me. I knew I should have felt claustrophobic, but something  about the closeness made me feel comfortable, at home, even. I heard my name being called from behind me and I turned, looking at a polite woman in a laboratory coat. I smiled at her and she grinned back. 

"You're the one he's waiting for, am I right?" The young woman asked.

"Yes, I am," I replied. "May I come in to see him now?" 

The woman nodded, her face growing grim. "You may, but I am sorry to say that you might not like his condition. He is alive, but his recovery was slower than planned." 

I sighed, my smile dropping a bit as well. "He may never grow back to his original state, but alive is all I could wish for. Will you take me to him?" 

With another nod, the woman led me down the street to a hospital bubble. There weren't many around in this city, this being the biggest one on the planet. I was only thankful that I could get him into such great care in so little time.

The nurse led me to a hallway of the bubble and paused, coming to a room that was labeled 293. Slowly, she pushed it open and let me step inside. I smiled wider once more when I saw him sitting on his hospital bed, gazing up at me in surprise, his expression almost matching mine.

"You're here!" He exclaimed. "I didn't know if you would come!" 

I laughed heartily and walked over to his side. "Why would I ever leave, Garlin? You gave me quite a scare. There isn't a chance I would leave you behind." 

Shooting Star // Eternalian Chronicles Book 1Where stories live. Discover now