34) .Cold Death.

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.Cold Blood.

~Catherine Wood~

"Stop!" a voice shouted. 

I opened my eyes which had shut in preparation for death. Restac stepped to the side revealing a older looking Homo Reptilian in long robes. From the way that I wasn't dead yet, I could see that this one was probably the leader of the Homo Reptilians. 

"You want to start a war while the rest of us sleep, Restac?" The elder asked.

"The apes are attacking us!" Restac defended. 

The guards had let me go, so I moved from my spot in the middle of the floor back to my pillar and grabbed Amelia's hand tightly. She gave mine a squeeze in return to tell me that I was going to be okay.

"You're our protector, not our commander, Restac," The elder said kindly, giving her a disapproved look. "Unchain them."

"I do not recognize your authority at this time, Eldane." Restac spat. 

I couldn't help but frown. Was Restac really that angry that she couldn't help but go against her leader? What had mankind ever done to her?

"Well then, you must shoot me." The confidence that the Reptilian had was miraculous. He stood firm and raised his hands slightly in surrender. 

The panic and hesitation in Restac's eyes was evident. She couldn't shoot her leader. Restac lowered her gun and looked over to Malohkeh in fury. "You woke him to undermine me!"

"We're not monsters," Malohkeh told her calmly, taking a small step forward. "And neither are they."

"What is it about apes you love so much, hmm?"

"While you slept, they've evolved. I've seen it for myself." 

I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. Had he really seen it all? Did that mean-? I looked to Amelia. She just squeezed my hand and shook her head as if knowing what I wanted to ask. I breathed a sigh of relief. I would have been very angry if the Homo Reptilians had dissected my best friend.

"We used to hunt apes for sport," Restac spat. "When we came underground, they bred and polluted this planet."

"Shush now, Restac," Eldane quieted her. "Go and play soldiers. I'll let you know if I need you." Restac hissed at him, shooting him one of the hardest glares I had ever seen from someone.

"You'll need me, then we'll see." She stalked from the room, hissing. Her soldiers followed her quickly.

Only when she'd gone did I step closer to Eldane who I trusted with my next request.

"We've got to get a connection to Rory," I told the leader of the Homo Reptilia as the other humans (and Time Lord) were unchained from the pillars. 

Eldane peered at me, confused for a moment before nodding. "Yes. Yes, you are quite right. We need to get Alaya back just as much as we need to get you and your friends back."

"I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience," the Doctor intruded. "We didn't mean to cause such a disturbance."

"It it no trouble. I'm glad we are able to see our wonderfully kind Destroyer again." 

"I can't remember anything, Eldane," I told him honestly. "But if I did, I'm sure that I would say the same. After I died, my memories were taken away from me. If my Eternality hadn't been sucked away from me by the cracks in the universe, perhaps I would have a memory flash, like I used to, but I'm sorry to say that I am not really in a position to do so." 

Shooting Star // Eternalian Chronicles Book 1Where stories live. Discover now