1) .The Sixth Door.

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.The Eleventh Hour.

~Catherine Wood~

Doctor. It's a funny word to pronounce out loud. To everyone it means something different. Whether it's healer, warrior, savior, or destruction, there's always a way that people feel about it. I remember when I was a little girl, I hated going to the Doctor to get my regular check up. Whenever someone said the word, I would find the nearest hiding spot and stay there until my father or Dee-Dee dragged me from wherever I was.

Now that I've grown some, my childhood fear has washed away and the word Doctor has an entirely different meaning than some might think. To me it doesn't mean healer, warrior, savior, nor destruction. To me, Doctor is just a mad man in a blue box.


"You hit him with a cricket bat?" I asked my best friend, Amelia Pond."And then you cuffed him to the heater in the hall?"

She shrugged "He was breaking and entering! What else was I supposed to do?" 

I sighed and held the bridge of my nose. "Our neighbors walk in all the time. He was probably just dropping by to say hello." 

Amelia shook her head fiercely. "No. He called me Amelia. No one calls me that anymore except you. Plus, I don't even know him. Just admit it," she said. "I was being responsible." 

"Maybe," I halfway agreed. "But you still could have hurt him." I bent down to the strange man who and felt his forehead, pushing his shaggy, brown hair out of the way. Something about him seemed familiar, but I couldn't place what. Was Amelia really sure that she hadn't seen him before? The man groaned and shifted. I jumped back onto my feet and backed away, pushing the thought of familiarity out of my mind.

"He's waking up," Amelia said, stating the obvious. She turned to me. "I have a plan, but I don't have time to explain. Just follow my lead. Get behind me and pretend to be scared." 

I nodded and backed behind her, putting on my best "I don't know what I'm going to do" face. There weren't many times where I listened to what Amelia was planning, and the same went vice versa, but this time, I didn't want to get in her way. Even though I was living with her for the time being, this was her house and she was going to handle the strange people that she locked up near her heater. I only hoped that she really could. Amelia picked up her fake radio.

"White male, mid twenties, breaking and entering," she said into it. The man's eyes popped open and I hid away behind Amy's shoulder. He looked confused. He rubbed the back of his head where Amelia had hit him. "Send me some backup. I've got him restrained," she continued. "Oi, you! Sit still!" 

The man was struggling to stand up but flopped back down when he heard Amelia's command. He noticed the cricket bat that was on the opposite wall of the railing which Amelia and I were standing next to.

"Cricket bat," the man said. "You hit me with a cricket bat."

"You were breaking and entering," I told him, playing my part. Amelia shushed me and pushed me further from the man. He pulled away from the heater and noticed he was cuffed. Pulling at it, he huffed. I almost felt sorry for him.

"Well, that's much better," he muttered, talking to himself. "Brand new me, whack on the head, just what I needed."

"Do you want to shut up now?" Amelia asked him, rudely. She gave him a hard glare. "I've got backup on the way."

"Hand on, no, wait. You're a policewoman." This man wasn't very observant. 

Amelia shrugged, looking annoyed. "And you're breaking and entering. See how this works?"

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