48) .The Ending Bang.

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.The Big Bang.

~Catherine Wood~

We raced down into the roof access. With the sonic still in my hand, I did my best to seal the door behind us. The Doctor squeezed himself by my side to listen to what was behind the door. I slipped the sonic back into his pocket for safe keeping.

"Doctor, Rin, come on!" River urged. 

I pushed away to follow her but the Doctor stayed at the door with his ear pressed to it.

"Shush," he said. "It's moving away, finding another way in. It needs to restore its power before it can attack again. Now, that means we've got exactly four and a half minutes before it's at lethal capacity."

"How do you know?" Rory asked.

"Because that's when it's due to kill me." His expression softened for a moment and I caught his eye. Not really kill him. He would still be alive. I trusted him enough to go along with his plan even if I didn't know what it was.

"Kill you?" River questioned, panic filling her voice. "What do you mean, kill you?" 

The Doctor waved her away as he went down the steps behind the rest of us. "Oh, shut up. Never mind. How can that Dalek even exist? It was erased from time, but then it came back." 

We walked down the corridor, the Doctor's hand on his chin, thinking through it all.

"You said the light from the Pandorica," Rory reminded him. 

The Doctor nodded. "It's not a light, it's a restoration field. But never mind, call it a light. That light brought Amy back, restored her, but how could it bring back a Dalek when the Daleks have never existed?"  It was a good question, but it made sense almost immediately.

"When the TARDIS blew up, it caused the universe to disappear, a total event collapse," I explained. "The explosion destroyed every atom in every moment in the entire universe except-"

"Except inside the Pandorica," Amelia finished, getting it as well. 

I nodded enthusiastically. "Exactly. It makes the perfect prison. Inside it is a billion atoms perfectly kept safe, never to die. I suppose you could entrap the whole universe inside it and it would ... Oh. My. Goodness." 

Why hadn't I seen it before? That's what the Doctor was going to do? No. He couldn't. That would kill him. I'd never see him again.

"No, no. Too fast," Rory interrupted. "I'm not getting it."

"The box contains a memory of the universe, and the light transmits the memory, and that's how we're going to do it."

"Do what?" Amelia asked.

"Relight the fire," I said, still staring at the Doctor in shock. "Reboot the universe." 

The Doctor nodded, a smile stretching on his face despite the look of fear I gave him.

"Exactly!" he exclaimed. "Come on!"

"Doctor, you're being completely ridiculous," River chastised. "The Pandorica partially restored one Dalek. If it can't even reboot a single life form properly, how's it to reboot the whole of reality?"

"What if we give it a moment of infinite power?" the Doctor pointed out. "What if we can transmit the light from the Pandorica to every particle of space and time simultaneously?" 

River laughed. "Well, that would be lovely, but we can't. It's completely impossible." 

I shook my head. "River, he wants to throw the Pandorica into the TARDIS." 

Shooting Star // Eternalian Chronicles Book 1Where stories live. Discover now