17) .The Time to Run.

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.The Time of Angels.

~Catherine Wood~

I screamed. The Doctor came over to me and put his hands on my shoulders.

"It's okay," he promised. "They're just trying to get through to the deeper caverns so we can get to the ship. Are you okay?" 

I nodded. "Yes. No more arising memories other than the image will become."

"Which was brilliant by the way," the Doctor praised. 

I blushed. "Thanks."

"I mean, River and I has just figured it out when you told us, so great minds think alike, eh?" 

I nodded slowly, confused at the Doctor's mood. Usually, I would be fine with it, but it almost seemed like he was trying to be happy. 

Noticing this, the Doctor dropped his smile. "Amy said I was being Mr. Grumpyface today. I was just trying to prove her wrong." 

I cracked a smile and held back a laugh. I looked at Amelia and the look she gave me made the laugh slip. Pretty soon, everyone was laughing along with me. It stopped as soon as Father Octavian burst in.

"Doctor?" He asked. "We're through." The Doctor turned to us, an evil smile on his face.

"And so it begins."


~Amelia Pond~

There was something in my eye. It was almost as if there was something like an eyelash tickling the bottom of it, or perhaps a bit of sand. We were in old caverns, after all. Either way, it was irritating me, so when everyone started leaving, I stayed behind, to see what the problem was.

"You coming?" Cat asked me. 

I nodded. "Yeah, I just have something in my eye." I tried to rub it out, but nothing had changed.

"Here," Cat said, lifting up my chin. "Let me have a look." She gazed in my eyes, peering at them. She gasped harshly. "Oh no."

"What?!" I asked harshly and hurriedly. She was really worrying me now. The way she glanced at my left eye, the one that had something in it could only mean one thing.

"You've got me in your eye," she said before cracking a smile. 

I let out a breath of relief and punched her in the arm. "Don't do that! You scared me!"

"Come on," she warned, punching me softly in return. "We're gonna miss our ride."


~Catherine Wood~

I saw something, something I didn't expect to see. It almost looked like an angel, an image of the creature as if it had gotten in her eye. However, the closer I looked, the more I realized the image was just my reflection. I scoffed at myself for being so idiotic. Of course there wasn't an angel in her eye. There was no reason for there to be.

"Hey, you okay?" River asked. 

I looked up, coming out of my thoughts. We were walking through the deepest part of the caverns, coming closer to the ship, trying to stop any radiation from leaking through. Some soldiers had wandered off in search of our missing angel. Truth be told, I didn't feel as 'okay' as I would have liked to feel.

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine. Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" 

River smiled, shaking her head. "You sound like you're trying to convince yourself that you're fine." 

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