45) .A Whole New World.

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.A Whole New World.


The train was late ... again. This wasn't the first time it had happened, obviously, but this wasn't the second, third, fourth, or fifth time it was late either. I'd have to remember to report the train conductor to the Republic, but I usually never did. I looked down at my watch which I always wore on the back of my wrist. I had been waiting for this train for fifteen minutes. Where in the world was it? Footsteps echoed through the station that was no more busy than it usually was. I didn't dare look at who was suddenly running through the crowd that my ears somehow picked up because their business wasn't my own, but the person stopped right next to me, their coat in their arms and their case in their hand. They were completely out of breath, and my curiosity got the better of me.

An attractive man stood next to me, his longer hair that was parted in the middle flopping against his face. I caught a glimpse of the badge on his coat. It said Garlin with the Eternalia crest beside it. The badge wasn't scuffed up, so I could tell a lot by the simple piece of metal. This Garlin fellow was now working with the Republic, and this was his first day on the job. He obviously thought he was late. I looked forward again, gazing out among the duvet in the ground where the train should be passing by any moment. 

"You're not late, if that's what you're worried about," I said aloud. 

Garlin stood straight, pretending as though he wasn't completely just out of breath a second ago. He placed his coat on his shoulders and puffed it up around him. Perhaps this first impression of him wasn't a real one. He did seem like the proud sort.

"I wasn't worried about anything," he lied. 

I snorted, rolling my eyes, hoping that he had caught it. If he did, he didn't say anything as he stared out at his surroundings as well.

"A first job in the Republic," I noticed aloud. "Congratulations." 

"I earned it," Garlin said in a rough tone. 

I resisted rolling my eyes again. Maybe he wasn't the type to deal with sarcasm, maybe he needed a little kindness. All the tougher ones did. 

"I bet you did," I agreed with a nod. "Getting a spot in the Republic is tough business."

"What would you know?" he spat. Okay ... so maybe not kindness. Maybe he was just a tight end and not worth my time. 

I turned to him with a smile and stuck out my hand. "My name is Desta. I'm a Level 7 Category 1. Graduated highest of my class from the beginning." I showed him my own badge that I wore on my chest, a metal one encrusted in gold. Level 7 was the highest you could go, ranked by how close you worked with the Republic themselves. Category 1 was also the highest in that level which meant I worked right under The Ruler. It was a great honor. So great an honor in fact that Garlin's jaw dropped. My smile changed to a smirk. "Now I suggest you figure out who you're talking to before you talk to them in such a way or you might just find yourself sitting right at Level 1 Category 5 for the rest of your days." 

There, that should've set him right, and I was correct. Garlin didn't dare say a word as the train pulled in or afterwards on the ride. It wasn't every day you met a pigheaded fool like that, but they always turned out to be better than you would think. 



Working under The Ruler had it's perks. Being sent on missions across time under a name so nobody would know who you are ... well, it was just exciting. The adrenaline in your blood, the constant back and forth between time and space was just wonderful. However, my mood about my most recent mission was quickly changed when I found out that Mr. Garlin that I had met almost a millennia prior was now in Level 4 Category 1 and was going to be my partner for this mission. Great. I really loved that idea. Now the thought of taking a TARDIS with a man who I knew absolutely hated me. Sure, he was a jerk, but there wasn't anyone that I really hated

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