21) .The Visitors of Venice.

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.The Vampires of Venice.

~Catherine Wood~

I wandered down the hall of the TARDIS, my hair terribly messy and my outfit rumpled and starting to stink. I didn't know how long I was sleeping, but I'm sure that I looked like garbage.

When I reached the control room, I realized I was lost. That was weird. I had never been lost before. Truth be told, I had never not heard the TARDIS's happy beeps before, so I wasn't really surprised. I scratched my head and entered anyways, dragging my feet behind me.

"Catherine!" The Doctor exclaimed. "You're awake!"

I threw him a fake smile.  "Do you have like an aspirin or anything?" I asked him. "I have a killer headache. Oh hey, Rory." I froze. Why was Rory here? I turned to him and he gave me a shy wave.

"Hey, Cathy."

I returned his wave.

The Doctor came over to me and turned me his way.  "Open your mouth."

I opened it, making an 'ah' sound.

"Just your basic dehydration. Grab a water bottle before we go out. There are some in the kitchen."

I nodded and pulled away.  "Where are we headed?" I wondered.

"Venice," he answered. "1580."

"Anything special I should wear?"

He shook his head. "None that I could think of," he told me. "Just not that. I think it's starting to stink."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I know. How long have I been asleep anyways?"

The Doctor checked his watch. "A week ... ish."

I raised an eyebrow, making sure he was telling the truth.

"Okay, maybe two weeks ... and a half."

I sighed. "I know I'm human now and need to catch up on sleep. There isn't a reason to hide it from me." I turned away to head to the kitchen when I froze turning back around. "There was something I wanted to ask you. I forgot." There was something, on the tip of my tongue, but I seemed to be forgetting everything now. I turned around again, shaking my head to clear my thoughts.

What was that thing that I kept forgetting? Darn my humanity.


I decided to wear something unlike anything I had ever worn before. I chose to do something more popular. After I took a longer shower, I took a trip to the large closet in my room to see what the TARDIS would think was best for my trip today.

It took me a while to get to the clothes I wanted to wear today. All the clothes I liked were in the front, skinny jeans, purple v-necked t-shirts and converse in all colors, though I did grab a pair of black ones. Instead I went to the back where there were clothes I never used. I grabbed a black leather jacket, one that looked used but was my size, a blue t-shirt to match my eyes and dark blue bell bottom jeans. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail, wet it so it would curl and I was set. I looked like an 80's model. Totally not my style but I went with it. I was a new person now. Why couldn't I show it?

When I got back to the control room, Amelia's jaw dropped. Rory's eyes widened and the Doctor looked almost worried.

I ignored all of their looks and smiled. "Are we ready?"

"Are you okay?" Amelia wondered, looking me up and down.

I nodded, peering at her curiously. "Yeah, why?"

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